Dogs - A Solution to Overcoming Depression
Published in Cats & Dogs News
People are discovering that dogs really are proving to be man's best friend. In recent years more and more studies are linking pets, especially dogs, with people successfully coping with depression.
Researchers at the University of Missouri School of Veterinary Medicine found that people who petted a dog for at least 20 minutes experienced a rise in serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates moods. People who suffer from depression often exhibit low serotonin levels. When people interact with canine companions not only do they physically exhibit signs of improvement but their increased serotonin levels offer proof of their recovery.
Many dogs will comfort their owners when they are sad. They will actually lick away tears or nuzzle a hand until they are petted...thus distracting their human companion from dark thoughts.
A dog also requires physical interaction. Feeding, grooming and walking a dog are all beneficial activities which can help people break away from the gripping effects of depression.
Caring for a dog can also help increase self-esteem and self-worth. Those people who feel worthless will actually find value when another creature totally depends on them for their well-being.
People who are depressed often feel unloved. Dogs easily portray unconditional love as when they greet you at the door..tail wagging...tongue lolling....and whining with excitement. They offer a compassionate, non-judgmental ear and don't interrupt with opinions and advice.
Many programs now offer canine therapy to treat depression in hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities. Some are specially trained to bring tissues to those who are crying or initiate play with those who are apathetic.
Dogs are amazing creatures of Grace and deserve our utmost care and compassion. If you are lucky enough to share you life with a dog(s) give him a special hug and appreciate all that he brings to your life.
Becky Kimes is a Divine Animal Healer who helps people strengthen and deepen the bond they share with their animal companions. If you have an animal companion that is suffering from physical of emotional distress visit her at She also helps people cope with and move through their emotions with a process called Divine Openings. Divine Openings frees people from negative emotions like depression thus allowing people to live lives with more grace, ease and joy.