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Are Spot-On Treatments The Best Flea Treatment For Your Pet?

Jean Morgan on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

When a flea hitches a ride on your cat or dog, you have big problems about to happen. The life cycle of a flea takes no time for the little pest to produce eggs that soon have your home infested with the biting insects. Your pet is miserable and covered in the little creatures, and you and your family might even find yourselves with flea bites on your ankles or stomach.

Then it's on to Project Deep Clean. Your whole house is going to have to be treated, with special attention to the areas that your pet loves the most. Your sofa will need to be sprayed, your bedding washed, your carpets steam cleaned and your pet washed and treated with insecticidal products. The house will end up being spotless, but you'll have spent a great deal of time, money, and effort and there will probably be a lingering odor of chemicals. Joy.

Spot-on treatments can be the best, easiest prevention method to these flea headaches. These small vials carry a product that you apply to your pet's skin once a month. The liquid covers a small spot and then your pet's natural movements distribute the product over the animal's body for flea prevention. If your pet has long hair or lives in an area prone to fleas, spot-on treatments are the way to go.

The packages are color coded so you can choose the one right for your pet's type and weight, reducing the risk of misapplication. However, spot-on flea treatments are in fact chemicals so it is important not to be complacent and to exactly follow the manufacturer's guidelines. If you do not, you could give your pet an overdose making him very sick.

As pesticide treatments go, spot-on flea treatments are more effective than flea collars which just tend to treat the fleas around the neck and work for a limited time only. Powder can be messy and there is no way of avoiding it becoming airborne and breathing it in, which to say the least is unhealthy. Sprays also are breathed in by their very nature and animals can resist spraying, particularly cats.

However, pesticides are still pesticides and if they can be avoided they should be. Spot-on flea treatments are recommended for animals with severe flea allergies if nothing else has worked because the consequence of the allergy is worse than the risks associated with chemical exposure. Topical flea treatments enter your pets' bodies through the skin and go to the liver and kidneys before the intestines. Exposure such as this to chemicals has the effect of weakening an animal's immune system and they may be more vulnerable to health problems as a result.


Sometimes simple, effective and easy is still not the best way. It is important to choose a flea eradication method that is also safe. Take some time to learn about the alternatives available to you before exposing your pet unduly to chemicals.


Jean Morgan is a writer of articles concerning pet health and the owner of For more information about getting rid of fleas visit and

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