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Cat Breeds You Didn't Know About

Andrew Mills on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

There are many different kinds of cat breeds around, but most of us only know the common ones. So this article will help to introduce you to a few lesser known cat breeds. We will only introduce 6 lesser known cat breeds to you in this article, because if we tried to introduce you to all of the lesser known cat breeds you would be reading a book not an article.

Egyptian Mau cat breed

The Egyptian Mau Cats coat dense. glossy. and silky. The coat is medium in length. The eyes are large. Almond shaped and slanting slightly toward the ears. The color of the eyes is light green. The large. alert ears are medium in size with short close-lying hair. The head does not have flat planes and is like a wedge slightly rounded. The muzzle is not short or pointed sharply and the chin is firm. The Egyptian Mau cat is medium size cat that is muscular. The legs are proportionate to the body. The tail is medium long. slightly tapering and thick at base.

Norwegian Forest Cat breed

The Norwegian Forest Cats have a double coat that is thick. The undercoat is woolly and the overcoat is smooth and water repellant. The eyes are large and round and can be all colors. The head is like a triangle with a straight profile. The neck is short and heavy. The chin is firm and the ears are medium to large. rounded at the tip and alert. The body is well muscled and the tail is long and bushy.

Japanese Bobtail Cat breed

The Japanese Bobtail Cat has a coat that is either short or long that is silky and soft with no undercoat. The eyes are large and oval and color usually reflects the color of the coat. The head is long and chiseled with high cheekbones and a long nose. The muzzle is broad and rounded with a full chin. The ears are large. set wide. and upright. The torso is long and muscular with slender legs. The tail is unique to each cat and may be have curves. kinks or angles. The female Japanese Bobtails are medium in size and the males a little larger.

Scottish Fold Cat breed


The Scottish Fold Cats coat maybe short hair or long hair and is plush. even. and dense. The short hair is usually short to medium-short and the long hair is medium-long to long. The eyes are large. well rounded and wide-set with a cute expression. Usually the eye color corresponds with the color of the coat. It has a rounded head and firm chin on a short neck. These cats have a short nose with a gentle curve. The ears are usually folded downward and forward. The body is well rounded and of medium size with short legs. The tail is medium to long and is flexible and tapers to the tip.

Manx cat breed

The Manx cats coat is shorthair or longhair. The shorthair is dense and short with a cottony undercoat. The longhair is dense and medium length with a double coat. The large eyes are round and the color depends on the color of the coat. The medium-sized ears are wide at the base and set somewhat outward. The head is round with defined cheekbones and a strong chin. The muzzle is a little longer than it is wide. The body is medium-sized and compact. The back forms an arch from behind the head to the curved rump. The males are slightly larger and maybe longer than the females. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs. The Manx cats usually have no tail. but may have a full tail. short tail or a rise.

Ocicat breed

The Ocicats coat is thick and short. It is close-lying. smooth. satiny. and sleek. The eyes are large and almond-shaped. They can be all colors except blue. The Ocicats ears are large. pointed. and alert. The head is a modified wedge with a broad muzzle. The Ocicat is a medium to large sized cat that is long-bodied. balanced and muscular with medium length legs and a slim tail that is long and tapered.


Thank you for reading about these lesser known cat breeds and hopefully you have learned more about these differnt cat breeds and may want to know have one for a pet in your own home.

