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Dog clothes - Are dog owners really THAT strange?

Paul Easton on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Some dogs love dressing up, and some people like dressing their "best friends" to look like humans. Dog clothes are an extension of their love for them, treating them like members of the family.

But why do dog lovers buy dog clothes? - I asked my customers and got the following answers:

1. Comfort for my dogs during winter
2. Sometimes we think out dog is human
3. I like to dress my dog up so people will make a fuss over her

There are, however, real reasons to consider using dog apparel as well. Apart from our own desire to dress our dogs in human clothing, there are often practical reasons to do so.

Dogs that have had medical treatments that result in the loss of fur will often need at least some protection from the weather until their fur grows back. This also applies to dogs that have been shaved for agility and show reasons.

People who live in colder winter climates should keep in mind that even though their pets have fur, they may need protection from the elements when they spend most of their time indoors, because they acclimate to their indoor surroundings.

Short-haired dogs are almost bald on the chest and belly, so be sure to select dog clothing that covers the lower portions of their bodies as well as the top.

Most dogs don't like the rain, and if your pet spends most of his time indoors, you probably don't enjoy the musty smell or the water and mud. With some water proof, quality dog clothes, almost all this can easily be avoided.

Polar fleece is also a good protective fabric; it insulates and keeps the dog warm while keeping the skin dry. Booties are good for dogs in snow, ice and rain.

Booties can also be used to protect a dog's pads from hot ground surfaces. Remember that while a dog's pads are less sensitive than our own feet, they are still sensitive to extreme temperatures. If they start walking strangely, and it's a hot day, the ground maybe hotter than you realise!


Getting your dog to accept wearing apparel

Proper fit is key for getting your dog to accept dog apparel. However, ease of getting the garment on and off is a new experience for your dog. Start by putting the clothing item on and rewarding the dog with praise and they will come to enjoy the process. Leave the item on for a short period. The next time, try leaving the garment on for a longer period of time, again praising and rewarding your pet. Make a fuss over them in the process and they will come to connect this to the clothing item.

Sizing can be important. Getting the correct fitting clothes for your dog is very easy. There are a few simple ideas to help you get the correct size:

1. Take a string, a piece of yarn or your belt and measure your pup, then compare it to a ruler for an accurate measurement.
2. Don't go by the Coat / Sweater / Tee/ etc. you use today they will be very different
3. Use more than One person to get an accurate measurement
4. Allow one size bigger for thick coats

As a general rule, measuring should be done along the dog's backbone from the Base of the Head to the Base of the Tail, which is referred to as the "top line measurement". This is from the base of where the collar rests to where the tail is attached.

It is best to start this training as a puppy, but older dogs can also easily be trained with a little more patience. Suitable dog clothes can make your pet happy and healthy resulting in less trips to the vet and additional savings in money and time.


Paul Easton is a self confessed dog lover who sells Dog clothing online- The Non Glamour Clothes for real dogs- wet or dry, indoor or out. Sign up for the Dog Care newsletter and get your "FREE Dog Care Help- discounts and specials, special discounted offers, bonus free items and more- every 2 weeks!" Http:// Dog Clothes, Clothing, T-shirts jackets and more with free shipping over $40.

