


Sam McDowell: Here's a warning Steve Spagnuolo issued the Chiefs' defense -- and why it's a real thing

Sam McDowell, The Kansas City Star on

Published in Football

The best defenses, on the other hand, have the fewest weaknesses. If you have a weak link, an offense will find it.

How does all of this relate to this year’s Chiefs?

Some good news/bad news there. The Chiefs’ starters are still pretty good. Still without an obvious weak link, and I realize replacing cornerback L’Jarius Sneed isn’t easy.

But for me, depth is a far greater question than who replaces Sneed in the starting lineup.

The most underrated reason the Chiefs improved defensively last season is not because they improved their starting lineup, but rather because they peppered their roster with contingency plans. They not only removed a weak link — they removed the mere possibility of one.

An injury to Nick Bolton? No problem — just insert Drue Tranquill into the lineup. A season-ending ankle injury to Bryan Cook? Bring veteran Mike Edwards off the bench.


The Chiefs bought insurance in 2023.

They let it expire in 2024.

They lost a key player at basically every position group — the cornerbacks lost Sneed; the back end lost Edwards; the linebackers room said goodbye to Willie Gay; and the front-four will absorb the ongoing rehab of Charles Omenihu.

They brought in no replacements, and I mean that literally: The Chiefs did not sign a defensive free agent from another roster this offseason.


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