


Biden's allies abroad think it's untenable for him to stay on

Michael Nienaber and Donato Paolo Mancini, Bloomberg News on

Published in Political News

There was a time when U.S. President Joe Biden’s allies abroad would make allowances for his age, let the slip-ups slide, gently bring him back to the fold when he appeared to wander off. No longer.

His calamitous presidential debate performance changed the calculus. Now even Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva — a leading South American leftist who wants a Democrat in the White House and is hosting the next G-20 summit — is saying the quiet part out loud.

“I think Biden has a problem,” Lula — who like Republican presidential challenger Donald Trump is 78 — told a local radio station. “He’s moving more slowly, he is taking longer to answer questions. The U.S. elections are very important for all the world.”

The chorus of voices that want the oldest American president (he’s 81) to step aside is growing louder, not only at home but also among nations that in the past months and years made excuses for the president’s wobbly syntax and gaffes. That’s because the prospect of Trump returning to the White House was seen by Western capitals as the bigger threat.

European officials are now saying privately — and more forcefully — that Biden should step aside for someone with a better shot at beating Trump and preserving allied unity on Ukraine and NATO, people familiar with the matter said. There is anxiety about how Biden will present at a NATO summit he is due to host in the U.S. next week, where his every move, gesture and word will be scrutinized in an unforgiving light.

In this environment, any potential miscues that he makes in closed door meetings will surely be made public by attendees and fuel demands for him to go. One G-7 official, who had seen Biden up close, described him as a loose cannon in an unscripted setting, without the help of a teleprompter.


The people, who asked not to be identified discussing private assessments, said the octogenarian’s performance at the debate only exposed what they had witnessed for months, from a D-Day commemoration in France — where a frail-looking Biden was awkwardly trying to sit down while his wife and France’s Emmanuel Macron were standing up — to a Group of Seven summit in Italy, where viral social media clips showed him straying away from the group during a skydiving demonstration and needing to be guided back by Giorgia Meloni.

That age was taking its toll was simply no longer up for debate — in spite of forceful pushback from the White House about clips being cropped by conservative media that have it in for Biden. The reality is that in several summits, going back to a 2022 gathering in the Bavarian Alps, it was apparent that the president’s schedule was kept thin and his advancing years were being accounted and accommodated for in the planning.

One G-7 official at the Italy meeting said an air of worry around the issue hung in the room and that it was a risk in the election. That was less than two weeks before the catastrophic campaign debate between Biden and Trump. Biden went on to blame jet lag and a grueling travel schedule for his performance.

Biden heads into a make-or-break weekend that could end his political career if the lapses keep multiplying. On July 4, in an interview with the Philadelphia WURD radio station, he flubbed again and seemed to mix himself up with Vice President Kamala Harris, who is emerging as a clear alternative to Biden and unlike some other potential Democrat contenders already has both a national and international profile.


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