


Georgians play big part in post-debate Biden rescue effort

Greg Bluestein, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on

Published in Political News


Warnock and other Democrats who have rallied around Biden are following a blueprint that’s emerged since the president’s disastrous performance against Trump in Thursday’s CNN debate.

They are circling the wagons to settle the nerves of donors, officials and voters left concerned that Biden’s poor performance during the 90-minute showdown — filled with mangled answers and a shaky voice — would doom his campaign.

“We do a great disservice to ourselves as Democrats to say at this point, ‘Step aside, let somebody else run,’ ” U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath said during a gathering over the weekend at Ebenezer Baptist Church.

In some ways, the calls for Democratic unity mirror the closing of ranks around Trump, who has also faced plenty of internal turmoil during his decade in the top tier of national politics. The anti-Trump wing of the GOP has faded, leaving his MAGA forces in near-total control of the party apparatus.

Democrats want to shift the focus back to Trump, saying that Biden’s admittedly poor debate shouldn’t overshadow a track record in the White House that achieved many liberal priorities.


They hope the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Monday that Trump has significant immunity against prosecution on charges of trying to reverse the 2020 election refocuses the stakes of the race.

Quentin Fulks, Biden’s Georgia-born deputy campaign manager, said the ramifications of the ruling scare him.

“And I think Americans are scared — and should be scared — of what Donald Trump will do, because he has been telling us for months,” he said.

“And so I can reassure you that when you do see President Biden out on the trail, he will be talking about the reasons why Americans should be scared of Donald Trump.”


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