


Michelle Obama for president? Ted Cruz thinks she could be the Democratic nominee

Eleanor Dearman, Fort Worth Star-Telegram on

Published in Political News

Cruz discussed his prediction that Obama will be the nominee in a new episode of his podcast released in the hours after Thursday’s debate. In the episode he bashed Biden’s debate performance and said “nobody fair and objective who watched tonight could conclude anything other than this is a man who is seriously mentally diminished.”

Cruz said it “has to be Michelle” that Democrats tap. Vice President Kamala Harris is next in line, but Democrats recognize she’s a “terrible” and losing nominee, Cruz said. Biden couldn’t be replaced by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, because the Democratic Party would “implode” if Black woman is replaced by a white man, Cruz said.

“So their problem is, the only person on planet Earth who could push Kamala Harris aside is Michelle Obama, another African American woman who stands on a different footing as a former first lady,” Cruz said.

He went on to name two impediments that would stop this from happening: “Number one, Michelle says no. Number two Joe Biden says no.”

Cruz moved up the August timeline he predicted in September 2023, saying “this happens or doesn’t happen in three weeks,” he said.

Texas Republicans, including officials representing Tarrant County, questioned Biden’s fitness for the presidency on social media during the debate.

“I hope this debate is illuminating to those who believe Joe Biden is actually capable of serving four more years as President,” Tarrant County Commissioner Manny Ramirez said on X. “It should be crystal clear, he’s not.”


Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare said, “It is clear after answer #1. Joe Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to serve 4 more days as President, let alone 4 more years.”

When asked about voter concerns over his age, Biden, 81, said Trump, 78, is “a lot less competent,” according to CNN, which hosted the debate at its studio in Atlanta.

There have also been Democrats raising concerns about Biden’s performance, with reports of some saying he should end his presidential bid.

“Biden had a very low bar going into the debate and failed to clear even that bar,” former HUD Secretary Julián Castro said in a post on X. “He seemed unprepared, lost, and not strong enough to parry effectively with Trump, who lies constantly.”


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