


Biden in NC: Campaign rally has turned into a high-pressure performance test

Danielle Battaglia, Korie Dean and William Tong, The News & Observer on

Published in Political News

She then welcomed to the stage Eric Fitts, a public school educator who was among those whose student loans were forgiven by Biden.

“Last night I watched with pride as President Biden won the debate and put forward a clear vision for making life better for our families,” Fitts said.

Just before the Bidens' speeches, Cooper burst on stage full of the energy. Cooper was clearly not counting out Biden.

“This election is not just about what kind of president we want to have,” Cooper said. “This election is about what kind of country we want to be.”

He then asked if supporters want to have Trump’s America to which the crowd shouted back, “No.”

“Can we beat Donald Trump right here and now and deny him the presidency? Of course we can,” Cooper said.

Earlier, North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, a Democratic candidate for governor, took the stage in Raleigh to warm up the crowd ahead of President Joe Biden, who is making his first appearance after Thursday night’s debate left some political pundits saying Biden needs to end his campaign.

This is a rare appearance by Stein at a Biden event this election cycle, an indication of how strongly Democrats are trying to rally around the president Friday.


It’s not clear where Biden spent his morning after landing at Raleigh-Durham International Airport just after 1:30 a.m. But Biden is scheduled to be at his campaign rally around 12:30 p.m.

Around 10 supporters of former President Donald Trump are gathered at the corner of Blue Ridge and Trinity roads holding signs and flags.

Around 11:15 a.m. the pro-Palenstinian protesters began marching down Trinity Road toward the fairgrounds chanting “End the siege in Gaza now.”

Jacob Fox, who was attending the rally, told reporters he was disappointed by Biden’s performance Thursday night.

“It left me very disillusioned,” Fox said. “Very sad that two of our front-runners were talking about their handicap in golf when the middle class is struggling to make ends meet. I just didn’t think the debate performance from Biden was very good. But I’m definitely not going to vote for Trump.”

As many voters have expressed, 29-year-old Fox wishes for younger candidates. But Fox won’t vote for Trump because he “attacked democracy.“

But he said if the Democratic Party were to choose a new presidential candidate, he would “totally suport that.”

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