


Biden in NC: Campaign rally has turned into a high-pressure performance test

Danielle Battaglia, Korie Dean and William Tong, The News & Observer on

Published in Political News

RALEIGH, N.C. — President Joe Biden took to the stage in Raleigh Friday bringing the energy Democrats had hoped to see him display Thursday night in a debate against former President Donald Trump.

The high-stakes appearance at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds marks the president’s first appearance since he faltered on the debate stage, leading some political watchers to say he needed to end his campaign.

But on Friday afternoon, Biden was alert, spoke loudly and his sentences didn’t trail off like the night before. He reportedly had a sore throat and occasionally let out a cough.

Biden explained that he believes he’s a better president than Trump was and said Trump lied repeatedly during the debate. Among Biden’s complaints against his predecessor was that Trump has “no respect for women and the law.” He also discussed Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

He told the crowd that North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has been a great governor and that voters now need to elect Attorney General Josh Stein to succeed him as governor. Both men spoke earlier in the rally.

He also said he wouldn’t promise not to steal Cooper away from North Carolina when he’s reelected. Cooper is allowed to serve only two-consecutive terms as governor, meaning he couldn’t run again this year.


Biden’s speech he was repeatedly interrupted by protesters, whom he ignored.

One yelled, “You’re funding a genocide.” Each time, the crowd drowned out the yells by chanting “four more years!”

First lady Jill Biden spoke before her husband, and also was interrupted by a protester, who was escorted out of the building.

Jill Biden, unfazed, told the crowd, “Joe has helped heal our country,” and said he is a “president with integrity.”


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