


Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Biden asks donors to stick with him after disastrous debate

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden told deep-pocketed donors in New York’s Hamptons that he acknowledges worries about his debate performance against Donald Trump, and he vowed to stick with his reelection bid.

“I understand the concern about the debate,” Biden said Saturday at the oceanfront Hamptons estate of hedge fund manager Barry Rosenstein and ...Read more

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Biden asks donors to stick with him after disastrous debate

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden told deep-pocketed donors in New York’s Hamptons that he acknowledges worries about his debate performance against Donald Trump, and he vowed to stick with his reelection bid.

“I understand the concern about the debate,” Biden said Saturday at the oceanfront Hamptons estate of hedge fund manager Barry Rosenstein and ...Read more

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Biden asks NYC-area donors to stick with him after Trump debate

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden told deep-pocketed donors in New York’s Hamptons that he acknowledges worries about his debate performance against Donald Trump, and he vowed to stick with his reelection bid.

“I understand the concern about the debate,” Biden said Saturday at the oceanfront Hamptons estate of hedge fund manager Barry Rosenstein and ...Read more

Biden seeks to reassure anxious donors at NYC-region fundraisers

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden is raising money with deep-pocketed donors in the New York area, seeking to rally them behind his reelection after a disastrous debate with Donald Trump that spread alarm among Democrats.

Saturday’s events include a fundraiser at the oceanfront Hamptons estate of hedge fund manager Barry Rosenstein and his wife, Lizanne, ...Read more


Is Biden down for the count or can he bounce back from devastating debate failure?

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden stumbled and mumbled and stared blankly into space for the better part of 90 minutes Thursday night. The oldest president in history looked every bit his 81 years as he delivered what analysts called the worst debate performance in American campaign history.

Even as some Democrats and pundits questioned whether Biden should ...Read more


'A course correct': How Biden resets his campaign since he's likely not going anywhere

Politics / Political News /

President Joe Biden's widely panned debate performance Thursday night in Atlanta has many prominent Democrats asking a simple question:

What do we do now?

Swapping out Biden for someone else is likely not possible — unless he quits the race himself. He's won the requisite number of delegates to capture the Democratic nomination, and Biden ...Read more

Macron heads into election showdown as Le Pen looks hard to beat

Politics / Political News /

Emmanuel Macron’s rallying call to the French people to “write history” will become a reality on Sunday when voters head to polling stations for the first round of legislative elections.

But it may not be the history the French president had hoped for.

In the three weeks since he called the snap vote in what he described as an “act ...Read more

Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS

High court magnifies Biden's misery by kneecapping policy agenda

Politics / Political News /

The U.S. Supreme Court’s sweeping decision slashing the power of the executive branch, coming hours after President Joe Biden‘s poor debate performance, makes it harder for his administration to accomplish his biggest policy ambitions ahead of November’s election.

By saying that regulatory agencies don’t have leeway to interpret the ...Read more


Pressuring the press is legal: But don't use government power to compel

Politics / Political News /

On grounds that the states bringing the case lacked standing, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed the claim that the Biden administration bullied social media companies into removing content that government considered dangerous. It was a sensible ruling — but the court could’ve and should’ve gone further and rejected the complaint on the merits....Read more

Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Early count in Iran presidential race points to runoff

Politics / Political News /

The latest ballot count in Iran’s snap presidential election shows a runoff is likely to take place next week between the only reformist candidate in the race and a staunchly anti-Western hardliner.

So far, Saeed Jalili, the most conservative candidate in the poll, has 4,266,386 votes and reformist Masoud Pezeshkian has 4,244,815, according ...Read more

Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Early count in Iran presidential race points to runoff

Politics / Political News /

The latest vote count in Iran’s snap presidential election shows the only reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, taking a slight lead in the race, Iranian state TV reported.

Pezeshkian has approximately 1,595,345 votes so far, narrowly ahead of his hard line opponent, Saeed Jalili, who so far has 1,594,868 votes — a margin of just 477 ...Read more

Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Supreme Court's last opinion day will be Monday, Chief Justice John Roberts says

Politics / Political News /

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s last opinion day will be Monday, July 1, Chief Justice John Roberts said Friday, teeing up a dramatic finale to an unusually long Supreme Court term.

The scheduling announcement means the court, which still has several cases to resolve, on Monday will announce its highly anticipated decision on former ...Read more

Billy Schuerman/The Virginian-Pilot/TNS

Former President Trump discusses climate change, the American Dream at Chesapeake rally that drew thousands

Politics / Political News /

CHEASAPEAKE, Va. — Former President Donald Trump addressed a crowd of thousands during a campaign rally in Chesapeake, taking swipes at President Joe Biden and touching on issues regarding immigration, crime and the economy.

The nearly 90-minute speech came a day after Trump sparred with Biden in the first presidential debate of the 2024 ...Read more

Daniel Mears, The Detroit News/The Detroit News/TNS

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, other top Michigan Democrats say they're still backing Biden after debate miscues

Politics / Political News /

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom some consider a potential future candidate for president, and other top state Democrats voiced continued support Friday for President Joe Biden after his shaky performance in Thursday's debate with Republican Donald Trump drew widespread criticism.

As questions flew about the 81-year-old ...Read more


For the sake of the nation, Biden must reassure Americans he is up to a second term

Politics / Political News /

There is no sugarcoating the fact that President Joe Biden seemed tired, listless and occasionally confused in his televised debate with former President Donald Trump on Thursday. In other words, he showed his age.

Trump, who at 78 is only a few years younger than the 81-year-old Biden, was initially more restrained and focused than usual. He ...Read more

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Dems must confront Biden debate debacle

Politics / Political News /

Opinion editor's note: Editorials represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.


Democrats must directly confront the implications of President Joe Biden's extraordinarily poor performance at Thursday's debate. Many are panicked by the thought that former President Donald...Read more

Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS

CNN Biden-Trump debate draws 51.3 million TV viewers, a major drop from 2020

Politics / Political News /

The highly anticipated first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign averaged 51.3 million television viewers Thursday, far below what the first-time President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in 2020.

The summer date for the event staged by CNN in Atlanta was likely a main factor in the Nielsen figure being significantly ...Read more

Mario Tama/Getty Images North America/TNS

Academics weigh in on the outcome of the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta

Politics / Political News /

Political science professors from Georgia who watched President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump debate Thursday night agreed that Biden’s performance didn’t help him.

Kennesaw State University’s political science professor Kerwin Swint said Biden left many voters uncertain about what’s next for Democrats. Above all, Swint ...Read more

Allison Joyce/Getty Images North America/TNS

Looking to rebound from debate, Biden in NC declares: 'I know how to do this job'

Politics / Political News /

RALEIGH, N.C. — President Joe Biden delivered the speech, Friday in Raleigh, that many political pundits said he needed following Thursday night’s debate against former President Donald Trump.

At a campaign rally that had become a high-pressure, can-he-do-the-job crucible, Biden needed to reassure his supporters he was up to the challenge. ...Read more

Billy Schuerman/The Virginian-Pilot/TNS

Trump speaks at Chesapeake rally

Politics / Political News /

CHEASAPEAKE, Va. — Former President Donald Trump took the stage at a campaign rally before a crowd of thousands Friday afternoon in Chesapeake, the day after sparring with President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season.

“As every American saw firsthand last night, this election is a choice between strength ...Read more