From the Right



Heck No, Foreign Visa Holders Don't Have Free Speech Rights! Here's What To Do with Foreign Visa Holders Who Preach Hate and Violence!

Wayne Allyn Root on

I'm an American citizen -- born and raised in the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God. I've fought for free speech my whole life.

And I've certainly practiced it more than anyone on earth -- I'm the loudest MAGA mouth in the world!

I give my opinions for hours each day on my national TV and radio shows and podcasts, plus add in my newspaper columns and 17 books. No one practices free speech more than me. It's our God-given right as American citizens.

I'm also a Columbia University graduate.

That's the elitist, communist, brainwashing factory of higher education that is now the center of violent, hateful, pro-Hamas protests, building takeovers, Jew-hatred, America-hatred, Israel-hatred, and the public celebration of terrorism and mass murder (see Oct. 7).

President Donald Trump is the first president to understand this anarchy on U.S. soil has to be stopped now, and it is not protected by free speech or the Constitution.

My free speech is protected because I'm an American citizen.

But foreign visa holders (and illegal foreign invaders) do not have those same rights. It's a privilege for any foreigner to be in this country -- and that privilege can and should be revoked anytime a foreigner preaches violence, or death, or hatred, or racism, on our American soil -- or anytime a foreigner is deemed a threat to national security, or the safety of American citizens.

A foreign visa is a privilege. Why should we allow you into America if you hate America, or its Jewish and Christian citizens? Why should we allow you to stay while protesting this country and our values, or promoting violence against our citizens?

As usual, liberals (i.e., radical communist traitors) are on the wrong side of the issue. Aren't they always?

Liberals never fought to protect my free speech rights under former President Joe Biden. I'm an American citizen, yet Democrats and my own government tried to destroy my free speech. Democrats acted like the Soviet KGB or Nazi Gestapo under Biden (and his boss Barack Obama).

They tried to censor, silence and demonize me -- and millions of conservatives like me.

They tried to shut us up and demonetize our free speech everywhere -- TV, radio, podcasts, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok -- and get us fired from our jobs and careers. They tried to de-bank us. They used the IRS and other government agencies to attack and intimidate us.

All for believing in all-American patriotic and conservative beliefs, or for disagreeing with the lies, fraud and propaganda of government.

But when Trump now tries to stop the escalating violence and hatred against Jews and American citizens at Columbia and other elite college campuses by arresting and deporting the violent Jew-haters and America-haters here on foreign visas, the left suddenly decides to defend free speech.

Sorry, but foreigners on U.S. soil don't get the same free speech rights and privileges of Americans. And if that's not clear in the law, we need to change it immediately.

If I were an American with a foreign visa, going to college in any Muslim nation, would I be allowed to protest against their government, or against the violence of Islamic extremism, or for the rights of gays and transgenders?

Or if I protested the government in China, or Russia, while going to college in their country, what would happen to me?

The difference is, in any of those cases, I'd face prison, torture and death. They wouldn't deport me; they'd murder me.

In America, we don't kill people we disagree with. But we sure can kick you out of our country! There's nothing wrong with that. It's just common sense. It's just self-defense.

To allow foreigners into our country to preach against our country, or our Jewish and Christian citizens, or our Judeo-Christian values, is suicide.


If you don't like America, or our citizens, or who we choose as best friends (Israel), get the hell out of our country. You don't belong here. Your presence is a threat to our citizens. If you make them feel unsafe, you have to go.

Your privilege is revoked.

Here's how to deal with foreigners on U.S. soil who preach hatred and violence; who denigrate, demonize and threaten our country, our values, our and our citizens; who make American students feel unsafe:

First, unmask them.

Conservative activists and journalists at conservative media organizations need to expose and publicize the names of each of these foreign troublemakers.

Let's start with my alma mater Columbia University.

The New York Post should publish all their photos and names on the front page. Conservative TV networks should put their photos and names on their broadcasts.

Let Americans see who these troublemakers and traitors are.

Second, arrest them.

Now that we know who they are, the Trump administration needs to arrest them and revoke each of their foreign visas and green cards.

Third, deport them.

Send them home to where they came from. Or perhaps, send all of them to Gaza. Drop them off and wish them good luck.

Fourth, ban them from ever coming back.

Make sure they can never come back to the United States -- not for a vacation, not for a business trip, not for education, and never to live. They are banned for life.

American citizens have civil rights and free speech. God bless America. But foreign guests do not.

If they're good for America, and if they behave, they can stay.

If they're bad for America, if they hate America, if they misbehave, if they bite the hand that feeds them -- they have to go.

Adios and bon voyage.


Watch Wayne's nightly TV show, "The ROOT Reaction" every weekday night at 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV, and Wayne's weekend "America's Top Ten Countdown" on Saturdays at noon EST/9 a.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch. Read Wayne's latest fun book, "How Democrats Have Made America Great." It's 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!

Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate, Inc.




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