From the Right



President Trump Needs to Do This One Debate to Clinch the Election: Trump vs. Kamala Harris the Dummy!

Wayne Allyn Root on

President Donald Trump has no reason to do another debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on CNN -- or anywhere else for that matter -- because she cheats. These debates are rigged.

In the first debate, ABC clearly gave Harris the questions in advance. Then she rehearsed answers based on lie after lie (like an actress memorizing a script) -- and ABC refused to fact-check a single lie. Any debate Trump does with Kamala will be based on the same lies and cheating.

Debating Kamala is like trying to win a rigged craps game.

But here's the one debate format Trump needs to do. Trump will clinch the election with this format: Trump needs to debate Kamala Harris the dummy -- and by that I mean a wooden dummy that looks like Kamala.

As opposed to the real Kamala, who is also a dummy. She's as dumb as a doorknob -- unless she is getting the questions in advance.

How dumb is Kamala? She just turned down the Al Smith Dinner in New York run by the Catholic Cardinal of New York, to raise millions for Catholic charities. Only one presidential candidate in history ever turned it down -- Walter Mondale. He lost in a 49-state landslide. But Kamala is too scared to go out in public if the event isn't rigged for her. She is terrified someone may ask her an unscripted question.

Don't look now, but she just insulted every Catholic in America. There goes the Catholic vote!

But back to the debate. Here's my creative idea: Team Trump needs to buy up TV infomercial time on every television network in America. And then present a fair and honest debate called ...

"Trump vs. the REAL Kamala Harris."

Trump stands behind one podium. A life-size Kamala dummy stands behind the other. Then, start each segment of the debate with Kamala on video. Let her use her own words, on video, to present her REAL opinions and policies.

She can't hide her own words in this debate. She can't lie. She can't claim she's being misrepresented. These are her actual radical and extreme Marxist views on video over the years.

For each topic, we watch Kamala on video. Then Trump gets his chance to respond to what we just saw with our own eyes.

These are Kamala's actual opinions on video.

For instance, we need to show a video of Kamala saying at a press conference, and I quote, "How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we!" She really said that.

Then President Trump can comment on Christmas. I'm guessing he loves the greatest of all American holidays. I'm guessing he thinks her hatred of Christmas is nasty. I'm guessing he thinks she is a modern-day Scrooge.

There goes the entire Christian vote!

Next, show a video of District Attorney Kamala saying she wants government agents to go into everyone's home to inspect their guns. She really said that. There goes the gun owner's vote.

Next, show the TV interview where Kamala said she put thousands of black men in prison for smoking pot, while she was smoking pot, too. She then laughs -- as if it's funny that she ruined black men's lives. She really said that. On video. There goes the black male vote.

Next, show a video of Kamala calling young people dumb. There goes the youth vote.


Next, show a video of District Attorney Kamala bragging about her power -- fantasizing how she can indict an innocent American and ruin their life. She really said that. Show the video.

Now Trump responds to the dangers of putting the power of the presidency into the hands of an evil psychopath who clearly gets high on her power. Perhaps he'll point out that Kamala and her friends in the Biden administration did in fact indict an innocent man and try to bankrupt him and ruin his life -- that man was President Trump.

Next, show videos of Kamala supporting and defending the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots and urging her supporters to donate to a bail fund to get BLM rioters, looters and thugs out of prison. I can't wait to hear Trump's response. Perhaps he'll point out this was the REAL insurrection. This was the real attempt to overthrow the U.S. government and the rule of law.

Next, show videos of Kamala saying she wants to -- and all of these are on video -- ban fracking; defund police; halt all deportations and close illegal alien detention centers; close down Immigration and Customs Enforcement (comparing ICE agents to the KKK); give citizenship to every illegal alien; give free health care to every illegal alien; give free sex change surgery to every transgender illegal alien; and take away private health insurance from every American.

You can also show the newly unearthed video of Kamala in a parade in Los Angeles, chanting, "Down, down with deportations!"

The list goes on and on of the radical, extreme, insane opinions and policies of Kamala Harris. Yes, she said all of that. Yes, it's all on video. Show her saying it.

In each case, Trump responds in real life to the REAL Kamala Harris on video, while Kamala the dummy stands behind the podium with nothing to say -- just like the real Kamala the dummy.

What's the difference between the Kamala dummy and the real dummy Kamala? One is wooden.

Let's not forget Kamala's economic plans, which if elected, she would instantly install a socialist economy like Venezuela or Cuba, where the people are living in misery and poverty, shelves are bare, and the starving citizens are dumpster diving to find food.

Show videos of Kamala saying she supports price controls (communist policy), taxing unrealized gains (communist policy), killing Trump's tax cuts (which would result in the largest tax increase on the middle class in history) and dramatically raising capital gains taxes (which would collapse the stock and real estate markets -- goodbye to the value of your home and retirement account).

Trump only needs to respond by quoting the great economic stats from his first term. End of story.

Close the debate with the video of Kamala casting the deciding vote to add $80 billion dollars to the IRS budget, to hire around 80,000 new IRS agents, and specifically to target service workers making a living from tips.

Then go straight to the video of the head of the IRS employees' union last week endorsing Kamala Harris. Connect the dots.

I can't wait to hear President Trump say, "There is the proof. Kamala is in bed with the IRS and wants armed Gestapo-like IRS agents in every home, in every business, to intimidate the American people, and extort your hard-earned money, until you have nothing left for your family, or your retirement. I stand with the American people and taxpayers. She stands with IRS goons."

I'll be glad to moderate. At this point, I'd end the debate and say, "Thank you to President Trump and Kamala Harris the dummy. Goodnight from Las Vegas."

Game over. Trump wins the election in a landslide once voters understand what the REAL Kamala Harris believes in. And once they realize the real Kamala Harris is as dumb, clueless and incompetent as Kamala the dummy.

Watch Wayne's brand-new nightly TV show, "The ROOT Reaction" every weekday night at 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV, and Wayne's weekend "America's Top Ten Countdown" on Saturdays at noon EST/9 a.m. PST on Real America's Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.


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