From the Right



Trump is 100% Right About the Jews!

Wayne Allyn Root on

But nothing was more controversial than our discussion of Jews and why they vote in a way that is self-destructive and against their best interests.

Within hours of our TV interview, hundreds of articles and editorials popped up in the biased-liberal mainstream media accusing Trump of antisemitism. Here is a typical one from Newsweek:

The media conveniently forgot to mention that Trump was talking to a Jewish American TV and radio host (me) who agreed 100% with every word he said. That's crucial context to leave out. I'd call it fraud and misrepresentation.

Here is my two cents.

First, it's absurd for ultra-leftist Jews to act offended when Trump accuses them of being far too leftist. Instead, they should say, "I resemble that remark." Because it's 100% true.

Second, no one can ever accuse me of being a detractor of the Jewish people. I am proud of my race. I praise the amazing traits of my Jewish people often on my radio and TV shows, and in many of my 16 books. I have pointed out the reason Jews are among the most successful people to ever set foot on earth is because of their brilliance, unmatched work ethic, relentless mindset, and the importance they place on education and family.


That is why such a high percentage of Jews in America are business owners, professionals and community leaders. Jews are the best and brightest of America. Jews have EARNED their success.

But there is one thing I don't condone or defend -- the radical leftist politics of so many Jews.

Like Trump, I'll never understand it. It makes zero sense. The truth is, when it comes to politics, the most brilliant people in the world are clueless and self-destructive.

Jews who vote Democrat are voting alongside people who hate Israel and want to wipe out the Jewish people. Or haven't you heard "from the river to the sea" chants in protests across America? These are exclusively Democrat voters who want to murder Jews.


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