From the Right



It's Been a Week Since the Super Bowl! You Thought KC Won? Nope! San Francisco Was Just Announced the Surprise Winner!

Wayne Allyn Root on

Kansas City also complained there was no "signature match" on the footballs to prove these were official NFL scores.

Kansas City head coach Andy Reid complained, "And what about the pizza boxes on the windows? We tried to watch the counting of mail-in scores after the game, but we couldn't see into the locker room."

Taylor Swift warned she was going to write a song called "How Travis Kelce Lost an Unfair Rigged Super Bowl."

Here's what happened next: All hell broke loose.

The media responded by calling Kansas City "sore losers," "conspiracy theorists" and "final score deniers."

Taylor Swift was fired by her record label for spreading "misinformation."


Coach Reid, quarterback Patrick Mahomes and tight end Travis Kelce were all indicted by a San Francisco grand jury for trying to investigate a rigged football game.

The judge (who is a lifelong 49ers fan) instructed the jury to "send these brutes from Kansas City to prison for life for questioning the integrity of our amazing victory and spreading football misinformation."

NFL Commissioner Roger "Rigged" Goodell reported that NFL owners voted to disqualify the Chiefs from any future Super Bowls because "that mean-spirited orange man" coach Reid gave a speech inspiring K.C. fans to riot.

The NFL commissioner called Kansas City's actions an "NFL insurrection."


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