From the Right



Taylor Swift Needs to Shut Up and Stay Out of Politics!

Wayne Allyn Root on

Here is my message to Taylor Swift on Super Bowl weekend. Many in the media are saying Taylor may soon announce her endorsement of President Joe Biden. Let's call this a "Bud Light warning."

Our Bud Light boycott worked better than any boycott by conservatives and patriots in history. Why? Because we all focused on one company like never before. We proved it works. We brought Bud Light to its knees like no company in history.

Although, one could argue Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and Disney did not fare so well either.

I wrote the No. 1 bestselling book, "The Great Patriot Buy-cott Book" (endorsed by President Donald Trump) to show conservatives and patriots how to reward great conservative and patriotic companies -- and how to punish and defund woke and pathetic liberal companies. Soon thereafter came the Bud Light boycott.

Practice makes perfect. Conservatives are getting really good at this! What we did to Bud Light (and other woke companies), we can do to Taylor Swift, too.

My advice to Taylor Swift: STAY OUT OF POLITICS.


It's that simple. We don't expect Taylor Swift or other artists/entertainers to suddenly become conservatives. We just want them to shut up and stay out of politics. Stick to what you know best. Sing, act, entertain. Politics is not your talent. Politics will turn off your audience and poison your brand.

Taylor Swift has an amazing career. She is a fantastic entertainer. She is beloved by her fans. But that can end in a moment. A Bud Light moment.

Overnight Taylor could lose a large portion of her fans and sales. Let's be conservative (excuse the pun). How about if she loses 20% or 30% of her sales? Is that smart? Is that a positive for her brand?

Taylor, is it really worth hundreds of millions of dollars to turn off a large portion of your fans?


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