From the Right



Federal Judges Are on The Payroll of China, the CCP and Mexican Drug Cartels. Wanna Bet? Here's How to Stop Them

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

I've argued for years that the open border was an intentional plan to destroy America by welcoming in millions of foreign invaders. The goal was to create a welfare state and get them all to vote Democrat, so eventually, no Republican could ever be elected again.

I've also argued for years that the Democrat politicians who supported this plan ...Read more

Heck No, Foreign Visa Holders Don't Have Free Speech Rights! Here's What To Do with Foreign Visa Holders Who Preach Hate and Violence!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

I'm an American citizen -- born and raised in the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God. I've fought for free speech my whole life.

And I've certainly practiced it more than anyone on earth -- I'm the loudest MAGA mouth in the world!

I give my opinions for hours each day on my national TV and radio shows and podcasts, plus add ...Read more

Always Bet on Trump! Why This Is the Greatest Buying Opportunity of Our Lifetimes! Maybe in the History of America!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

This commentary is a joint effort by two veterans of business and investing. We've both been in the business of making money, starting businesses, running businesses, raising money and investing money for over 80 combined years.

And we both agree that President Donald Trump's landslide election mandate, brilliant economic agenda and business ...Read more

All Roads Lead to Obama. He Is the Evil 'Manchurian Candidate' and Communist Mastermind of Everything Bad That Has Happened to America and President Trump. And I'm a Witness -- It All Started at Columbia University

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

All roads lead to Barack Obama. He is the shot caller. He is the communist traitor behind everything bad that has happened to America, the U.S. economy and President Donald Trump.

I believe it all started at Columbia University.

Yes, I have a history with Obama. We were college classmates at Columbia University. We were both pre-law and ...Read more

President Trump Should Announce Suspension of Tax Day on April 15; National Tax Holiday; Reparations to Taxpayers; and Lie Detector Tests

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

We've been robbed. Our tax money has been looted, stolen and wasted. Beyond the imagination of most Americans.

But not beyond my imagination.

Muhammad Ali once said, "It ain't bragging if you can back it up." Well, I can back it up.

I've spent the past decade on my TV and radio shows reporting, warning and screaming from the highest ...Read more

The Forces of Evil, EVIL! Are Lining Up to Stop Trump With All the Power, Money and Influence They Have!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

The world just changed. I never thought I'd live long enough to see this day. America is about to take the red pill! This nation is about to find out some ugly truths about vaccines in general! The deadly COVID vaccine in particular!

The crimes of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma, along with their greedy, criminal Ponzi scheme friends at the ...Read more

Trump's Tariffs Explained Simply for Idiots, Fools, Morons, Critics, Doubters, Sad-Sack Losers and Communist Traitors!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

President Donald Trump is winning so fast, I can't even write columns fast enough to keep up with all his winning!

Yet there are still many among us with little faith. Trump proves them wrong every hour of every day.

This past Sunday night, I saw the stock markets, crypto markets and gold markets around the world crashing. All because Trump ...Read more

The Same Trump Blueprint That Destroyed Colombia in 10 Hours Can Be Used Against Every Sanctuary City and State in America to Make Them All Dance Like Spider in 'Goodfellas!'

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

President Donald Trump won the illegal immigration war in 10 hours versus the socialist president of Colombia.

Not my alma mater Columbia University -- which is also radical, socialist, anti-American and pro-illegal immigration. But the Latin American country of Colombia.

Trump should use this exact same blueprint that brought the country of ...Read more

Trump Has Done More Great Things in 4 Days Than Ronald Reagan in 8 Years! Can You Imagine What Great Things Will Happen in the Next 4 Years?

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

First, let me say this out loud -- and even I can't believe what I'm about to say:

President Donald Trump has done more in his first four days than my old hero Ronald Reagan did in eight years.

I'm a conservative talk show host. I've hosted my national TV and radio shows for 10 years. Trump has already put in motion much, if not almost all, of...Read more

The Two Things That Will Make President Donald J. Trump the Greatest Legend and the Greatest President in History and Make America Great Again -- FOREVER!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

It's just about time for Inauguration weekend 2025. I'm excited to say I'll be there to witness history.

And guess who's back in charge?

Donald J. Trump, the legend, is about to take back the White House and the entire U.S. government, from the deep state, D.C. swamp, the radical communist traitors of the Democrat Party and their brain-dead, ...Read more

Wildfire Alone Didn't Destroy Los Angeles. How the Dumb, Radical Left's 6 Favorite Obsessions Made the Fire Unstoppable -- Woke DEI, Climate Extremism, Homelessness, Vaccines, Open Borders and Ukraine!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

I left Malibu, California, 23 years ago because of high taxes and liberal morons. I just couldn't take the liberals and their crazy, radical, extreme ideas anymore. I moved to Las Vegas. It was the best move of my life.

In Las Vegas, we have no taxes -- no income tax, no business tax, no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax and among the ...Read more

Happy New Year 2025. But ... Let's Now Think What This New Year Would Look and Feel Like If Kamala Had Won!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

Donald Trump won. What a great New Year's gift! God saved America. God blessed America.

But what if Kamala Harris had won? What would this New Year's week be like?

It would be like a modern-day version of "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart. I'm here to show you how bad it could have been.

First, that Trump rally on Wall Street after ...Read more

With Americans Busy With Christmas Season, Few Noticed the Election Interference Lawsuit by President Trump vs. Iowa Pollster Ann Selzer. Here's Why This Is the Biggest News Story of the Year!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

Trump just announced a lawsuit for "consumer fraud and election interference" versus the Des Moines Register newspaper and pollster Ann Selzer.

Why is this important?

It's HUGE. It's the biggest news of the year. It may be the biggest news of the decade (since Trump came down that escalator at Trump Tower in 2015). Here's why:

First, this ...Read more


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