From the Right



What About Building That Gaza Riviera?

Star Parker on

President Donald Trump's proposal to transfer the few million Palestinian Arabs in Gaza to other Arab countries and then rebuild and redevelop Gaza was met with some surprise and pushback.

Isn't this unfair? Doesn't this violate rights of Palestinians in Gaza?

Usually when we think about those who see a world with rights and without responsibilities, a world with claims but without obligations, we think about the political left.

But Palestinian Arabs may qualify as the world experts in this mindset.

The great economist Milton Friedman observed, "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Everything has a price. But this basic truth seems to elude too many Palestinians.

Palestinian Arabs sit today amid almost total destruction in Gaza as a result of years, years, years of doing nothing but saying "no."

In 1947, with the return of Jews from around the world to their historic homeland, the United Nations voted to divide the area between Jews and Arabs -- create a Jewish state and an Arab state.

The Jews said yes; the Arabs said no. The Jews started building, and the Arabs attacked and went to war.

Fortunately for both the Jews and the Arabs, the Jews won the war. They built a new modern country, the product of total perseverance over seemingly insurmountable odds.

But many Arabs refused to accept this new reality. Sitting and doing nothing except hating and terrorizing is no way to build a better life.

Israelis built a country despite being surrounded by those who only have "no" in their vocabulary.

The latest go-round was in 2005. Israel pulled out all their presence in Gaza and turned it over 100% to the Palestinians living there. The following year, elections were held, and Hamas terrorists were elected and given control.

Everything was there to build the country the Arabs living there claimed they wanted. But instead, billions in aid were channeled to endless rocket attacks on Israel and construction of underground tunnels for hiding and smuggling.

Countries are built by loving your brother, not by hating your neighbor -- a simple truth that has never made it to Arabs in Gaza.

Then came the horrible attack of Oct. 7, 2023. More than 1,200 innocent Israeli civilians were brutally murdered and terrorized, and 251 were taken hostage.


Now as hostages are released, a few at a time, the Hamas regime demonstrates it has learned nothing.

Hostages are turned over in humiliating ceremonies in which the hostages are forced to grovel before masked, armed Hamas terrorists, who convey that they have not, and will not, give up.

Trump understands well the rule that insanity means doing the same thing and expecting different results.

If there is one message the Palestinians have conveyed to the world, it is that they are incapable of governing themselves.

Per the World Population Review there are 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and approximately 50 countries with majority Muslim populations.

Per the Times of Israel, there are 15.8 million Jews in the world. And there is only one Jewish country.

I repeat that the U.N. voted to create a Palestinian state in 1947 and the Arabs said "no" because the price was one single Jewish state in the whole world.

There is a price to war. People are killed, hurt, displaced. After the establishment of Israel, from 1948-1972, 820,000 Jews were purged from Arab countries. An estimated 586,000 were taken in by Israel.

Trump is right. After 75-plus years of Palestinian Arabs saying no, doing zero to solve their own problems, creating nothing but death and destruction, and enriching a terrorist leadership to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of millions, it's time to move on.

Let the victims of this destructive history choose among the 50 Muslim countries when deciding where to build new lives.

And let Donald Trump develop beautiful beachfront property in Gaza.

Star Parker is founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Her recent book, "What Is the CURE for America?" is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at


Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate, Inc.




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