From the Right



Byron Donalds Tells the Truth and the Left Hates It

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Several weeks ago, Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan wrote a column with the headline "We Are Starting to Enjoy Hatred."

Her point was that, in our divided and polarized country, each side is no longer trying to "win over" those with whom they disagree. Sides are now just entrenched in hatred for each other.

It is impossible to not wake up and read the news, or simply walk out into the street into a demonstration, which is becoming business as usual in Washington, D.C., where I work, and not appreciate the truth of Noonan's observation.

As a Christian Black conservative, as I happen to be, dealing with personal attacks is something I accept as part of my business.

Now Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds, also a Black conservative, and someone whose name has been floated on Donald Trump's "short list" of possible VP running mates, is getting a taste of this unpleasantness.

At a recent Republican gathering in Philadelphia, Donalds observed, "During Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative -- because Black people have always been conservative-minded -- but more Black people voted conservatively. And then ... Lyndon Johnson -- you go down that road, and now we are where we are."


Any person endowed with the brain he or she has received from God, a willingness to use that brain and a modicum of good will to use reason in the pursuit of truth would grasp the point that Donalds was making that day.

Yet, Al Sharpton accused Donalds of saying Jim Crow was a "good" or "better" time for Blacks. Liberal MSNBC commentator Joy Reid said Donalds suggested Jim Crow was a "golden era" for Blacks. Soon the Biden campaign and Democratic leadership picked up with similar shameful distortions of Donalds' remarks.

Donalds, of course, was not praising Jim Crow. He was lauding the strength and resilience of Black Americans to live their lives as productively as possible during those horrible times.

And he suggested that big government ushered in by Lyndon Johnson after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 hurt rather than helped Blacks.


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