From the Right



As Election Approaches, Policy and Party as Important as Personalities

Star Parker on

Although the focus in the upcoming elections is on the presidential candidates, it's worth keeping in mind that of at least equal importance is which party has the controlling hand on policy in Washington.

Because the country is becoming increasingly polarized, which party controls will lead in dramatically different directions. This has profound implications for the country's future.

Consider the judicial branch.

The conservative majority on the Supreme Court has changed the course of the nation's history. Overturning Roe v. Wade was a major game changer.

But not so many years earlier, in a court less conservative, same sex marriage became law of the land. The chances that that decision would have occurred in the current court are minimal.

But now the two oldest justices are part of the conservative majority -- Clarence Thomas is almost 76, and Samuel Alito is 74.


That their replacements will be conservative will depend more on which party controls rather than which particular Republican sits in the White House.

Regarding the appointment of judges, the values defining the two parties are worlds apart.

Republicans want faithfulness to the Constitution. Democrats want diversity.

Of the 197 judges appointed by President Joe Biden, as reported by The Washington Post, 125 are not white, and 72 are white. Regarding gender, 63% of Biden appointees are women and 37% men.


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