From the Right



Mike Johnson Is a Hero

Star Parker on

Speaking to reporters after the vote, Johnson noted that this is a "critical time" and that "Xi (China) and Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil."

This is not a matter of our nation aspiring to be the world's policeman.

It is matter of knowing that the force of evil cannot be ignored and the price of believing that it can be ignored only grows and becomes increasingly more dangerous.

Is this a matter of focusing abroad at the expense of what is happening at home?

Certainly not.

If a hero, in the words of Herman Wouk, embodies the "virtue" of his or her people, how do we define the virtue of the American people?


It's about the principles of a free nation under God.

We also face great danger at home as we have departed from these principles.

The $95 billion that will go in aid abroad is peanuts compared to what we waste at home in spending programs that do nothing.

The Biden administration has appropriated $80 billion to the IRS to bolster tax collection. But at the same time, Biden has submitted a 2025 budget to Congress increasing federal spending by some $800 billion.


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Mike Peters A.F. Branco Bob Gorrell Kirk Walters Pat Bagley Bob Englehart