From the Right



Biden’s Poor Debate Was So Infuriating

S.E. Cupp, Tribune Content Agency on

“I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president has no business running for reelection.”

As a life-long conservative who voted for Biden in 2020 out of a deep belief that another Trump term could be fatal for our democracy, I share in this sadness. Watching Biden fail so publicly and spectacularly to do the one thing Democrats were hoping to get out of the debate — quell concerns over his age — was indeed painful.

Watching Trump use that to his advantage, appearing 10 times more cogent and capable than Biden while lying through his teeth was equally as painful.

But sadness wasn’t the emotion I felt most when the debate had ended. I was pissed.

In voting for Biden — and a Democrat for the first time in my life — even though I knew I’d oppose many of his policies, I put my faith in a decent man who loved this country to do decent things because he loved this country.

His policies have been worse than I anticipated. From inflicting inflationary economics and profligate spending, to allowing a border crisis to spill into our towns and cities, his administration has — fairly or unfairly — led many Americans to believe they were better off during Trump’s four years in White House. And that’s despite a global pandemic, racial violence, two impeachments and an insurrection that happened on his watch.


The second time around, I’d hoped that Biden would step aside and let another, younger Democrat to run — I’d always imagined him as a transitional president, not a transformational one.

When he announced he was running, I was concerned.

But even with all that, I sincerely believed Trump was and is the more existential threat to America, and that if Biden was on the top of the ticket, he still deserved my vote.

But, deserve it or not, what we saw last night is a man who may not be able to finish out his first term, let alone another four years. And even more importantly, we saw a man who in no way can beat Donald Trump.


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