From the Right



Biden Replacement Theory: Fact or Fever Dream?

S.E. Cupp, Tribune Content Agency on

She’s also insisted she’ll never run for president again.

For another, Harris isn’t the one needing replacing — Biden is. If you’re going to keep him on the ticket, and replace the younger veep with a 76-year-old woman, what’s the point?

And finally, I can think of few things more offensive and obtuse than the suggestion of replacing the woman of color on the ticket with a white woman, just as Dems are trying to shore up the Black vote.

But fever dreams can be fun. They can also be delusional and distracting.

Biden is the candidate. If Democrats wanted someone else they should have insisted on it two years ago. Replacing him at this juncture would be disastrous, an explicit admission that they were wrong all along and their judgment can’t be trusted, and a tacit admission that his policies are deeply unpopular and problematic. They can’t afford that.


So get over it, it’s Biden vs. Trump. We’ll have to wait until 2028 to do a better job of selecting candidates, if we care to.


(S.E. Cupp is the host of "S.E. Cupp Unfiltered" on CNN.)

©2024 S.E. Cupp. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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