From the Right



The Ripple Cffect of Overturning Roe v. Wade

S.E. Cupp, Tribune Content Agency on

Republicans Receive Nightmare Polling News.”

And numbers like these:

Sixty-three percent of Americans say they could not support an elected official who believes in a nationwide abortion ban.

Sixty percent of independents are unhappy that Roe was overturned, and nearly 40% of Republicans say the same.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal.

And every time Republicans manage to muscle past one ugly news cycle in which they’re in the spotlight for opposing women’s reproductive rights, another one puts them right back in it.


This week, a one-two punch: First, Southern Baptists representing almost 13 million members across the country voted on Wednesday to oppose IVF.

In Indianapolis, 10,000 delegates called “messengers” gathered at the annual Southern Baptist Convention and voted to “reaffirm the unconditional value and right to life of every human being, including those in an embryonic stage, and to only utilize reproductive technologies consistent with that affirmation, especially in the number of embryos generated in the IVF process.”

And on Thursday, the Senate took a procedural vote on a legislative package to protect IVF access, which Republicans killed.

Put aside the fact that efforts to criminalize IVF puts Republicans in the uncomfortable and hypocritical position of having to oppose the creation of life while condemning the destruction of it, a familiar position given that pro-life advocates are sometimes against abortions even in the case of saving a mother’s life.


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