From the Right



If AOC Is The Democratic Future, The Party Is Even Worse Off Than We Think

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

Even Will Rogers might be hard-pressed to come up with an appropriately harsh jibe about the current state of the Democrats.

"I am not a member of any organized political party," the 20th century humorist famously said. "I am a Democrat."

Now, the problem isn't a lack of organization per se, but the hangover of their dogged, dishonest support ...Read more

Teslas Aren't Fascist Vehicles!

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

It's a trope to say that Donald Trump's opposition has been shell-shocked and rudderless in the wake of his election victory and his fast start out of the gate.

Not to fear, though. The Left has hit on its next big project -- an intifada against the country's largest maker of electric cars.

The progressive fear and loathing of Elon Musk now ...Read more

Canada Is Not The Enemy

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

Canada has always been an inoffensive country, and how is that working out for it?

President Trump has made more threatening sounds about Canada than about Russia. He is wielding a weapon -- sweeping 25% tariffs -- that would almost certainly drive our Friendly Neighbor to the North into a recession, while he is making its leaders and people ...Read more

Judge Ali Is A Threat To Democracy

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

It's good to be king -- or a district judge.

Judge Amir Ali has no power to appropriate money or spend it. Neither does he have any authority over the conduct of U.S. foreign policy. If he wanted to have any of these things, he's in the wrong line of work as a federal district judge.

Ali is not letting that stop him in his escalating ...Read more

Yes To English As The Official Language

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

"Official" is a very English word. It has its roots in the Old French "oficial" and the Latin "officialis," and now -- thanks to a new Trump executive order -- describes the status of the English language.

President Trump's executive action making English our official language repeals a Bill Clinton executive order that required the ...Read more


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