From the Right
Mayor Michelle Wu Vs. Immigration Enforcement
The Mayor of Boston wants everyone to know that her city is all about the fundamentally American value of protecting lawbreakers.
Michelle Wu, a first-term Democrat, is a fierce defender of Boston's sanctuary city policies that seek to frustrate federal immigration enforcement.
She sees a direct connection between King George and President ...Read more
We're Going To Need More Ships
Alfred Thayer Mahan would be appalled.
The great 19th-century strategist and navalist surely would be shocked and mystified that we have allowed the country with which we are most likely to fight a devastating war -- and a traditional land power, no less -- to dominate global shipbuilding.
Starting from a minor position two decades ago, ...Read more
If AOC Is The Democratic Future, The Party Is Even Worse Off Than We Think
Even Will Rogers might be hard-pressed to come up with an appropriately harsh jibe about the current state of the Democrats.
"I am not a member of any organized political party," the 20th century humorist famously said. "I am a Democrat."
Now, the problem isn't a lack of organization per se, but the hangover of their dogged, dishonest support ...Read more
Teslas Aren't Fascist Vehicles!
It's a trope to say that Donald Trump's opposition has been shell-shocked and rudderless in the wake of his election victory and his fast start out of the gate.
Not to fear, though. The Left has hit on its next big project -- an intifada against the country's largest maker of electric cars.
The progressive fear and loathing of Elon Musk now ...Read more
Canada Is Not The Enemy
Canada has always been an inoffensive country, and how is that working out for it?
President Trump has made more threatening sounds about Canada than about Russia. He is wielding a weapon -- sweeping 25% tariffs -- that would almost certainly drive our Friendly Neighbor to the North into a recession, while he is making its leaders and people ...Read more