From the Right



Black icons are AWOL on smash-and-grabbers

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Another week, another lame Trump indictment.

Another week, another slimy Hunter Biden report.

Another week, another smash-and-grab at a California mall.

You can’t get away from this crummy stuff unless you turn off the TV, take the alerts off your phone and sleep all day on the beach for a week like Joe Biden.

But I’m totally worn out by the never-ending troubles and crimes of Trump and Hunter.

Nothing that happens to either of them in a courtroom months or years from now will hurt me, cut high gas prices or make my family safer.

What concerns me more than anything now are smash-and-grabs like the one that occurred in Los Angeles last weekend at a Nordstrom store inside Westfield Topanga Mall, which my family goes to all the time.

You’ve no doubt seen the video or one like it – a mob-style robbery by about 30 masked young men who smash display cases, grab expensive merchandise and race out the door.

Between $60,000 and $100,000 in merchandise reportedly was stolen by the well-organized gang.

In case any bleeding heart seriously thinks they were poor, hungry and desperate kids from a ghetto, they jumped into several waiting cars, including a BMW and a Lexus.

Police say they’re looking for the perps, who reportedly sprayed the unarmed “security” man with bear spray.

Of course, we all know the police will catch only a few robbers at best, and if they do they probably will not be prosecuted.

So, let’s get some things straight about where I live in California.

Los Angeles is already an urban, crime-ridden campground and open-air drug den for about 75,000 “unhoused” people with mental or drug problems. A small community of tent people lives by the freeway entrance half a mile away.

And now I have to worry about my family being safe at the local mall? Great.

We know the government people in charge are never going to do what is necessary to end the smash-and-grabs at malls and Beverly Hills jewelry stores.


So the other day I humbly tweeted what I’d do if I owned a retail store or a mall – hire security guards armed with Glocks.

If robbers are going to shoot bear spray at a security guard, I figure a guard needs a Glock to shoot back.

I know how hysterical the media and the left would become the first time a robber was killed or seriously wounded by a mall security guard, but the young workers in the smash-and-grab industry would instantly get the message and pursue other careers.

Of course, we wouldn’t have to resort to shooting robbers with Glocks if the country’s Black leaders stood up for what's right.

But the Obamas, Oprah, LeBron James, Vice President Harris and dozens of other great Black artists and athletes are AWOL on the subject of smash-and-grabs – and spineless.

They should be all over the major media scolding and shaming the young Black men whom we all know from the videos we’ve watched make up the gangs who pull off the smash-and-grabs.

Does their silence mean Black leaders support the mob robberies? Of course not.

But they certainly must realize that the smash-and-grabbers are doing great harm to every Black person in America.

Their brazen and frightening criminality – which the chicken media won’t point out is committed predominantly by Black males – is hurting the country’s already strained racial relations and only creating more ill feelings and more white racists.

The other day in a tweet I asked if I was a racist because I’ve noticed the color of the smash-and-grabbers.

My conservative Black friends, lawyer Leo Terrell and talk show host David Webb, said no.

But I really don’t give a damn if anyone thinks I’m a racist for noticing what is so obvious.

Maybe the Obamas, LeBron and other Black icons should notice it too – and then use their moral authority and media power to tell young Black men and boys to do the right thing.


Copyright 2023 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

Copyright 2023 Michael Reagan, All Rights Reserved. Credit:



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