From the Right



What Europeans and Americans Really Want

: Laura Hollis on

In last week's European Parliamentary elections, citizens in country after country rejected left-wing policies. Predictably, left-leaning major media outlets across the globe -- the Associated Press, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Vox, Politico, the Guardian -- decried these results as Europe "lurching" to the "far right." Vox warned that the success of right-wing parties was the result of "increasing authoritarianism and non-democratic trends" throughout the world and warned that these trends were "deeply associated with fascism and Nazism."

Talk about gaslighting and projection.

Oh, yeah -- there's plenty of "authoritarianism and non-democratic" activity going on in Europe (and in the United States). But it's not coming from the political right.

So, what do these election results mean? What do Europeans really want?

1. Self-determination and responsive elected officials. British voters voted to leave the European Union in 2016 not because they don't consider themselves part of Europe but because they were (and are) sick and tired of having policies crammed down their throats by unelected Eurocrats. The rest of Europe is now sending a similar message: do what European citizens want or be defeated.

2. An end to the rampant migration of people from non-European nations. Much more so than America, European countries have distinct cultures tied to ethnicity and history. The influx of millions of people from countries with vastly different cultures -- many of which are inconsistent with western European values -- has impacted their cultural identity, compromised the safety of their citizens, created "no-go" zones of crime and violence, and strained their coffers to the breaking point. Europeans are tired of being told that people from other regions are entitled to be proud of their cultures but wanting to preserve their own culture is racist.

3. An end to bogus "climate change" policies that are thinly veiled justifications to return Europe to feudalism. Environmental regulations are strangling agriculture, and protests by farmers in Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Germany have made the public's viewpoints clear. Clean air and water are fine; "carbon-neutral" aspirations will thrust the continent into famine, while those who spout this nonsense at tony conferences in Davos will continue to enjoy their Wagyu beef, private jets, yachts and "sustainably sourced" diamonds.

4. An end to the war in Ukraine and the irresponsible saber-rattling at Russia which is intended to provoke yet another world war that will kill tens of millions of Europeans while it enriches international financiers and multinational defense contractors. Europeans don't want war with Russia. Russia doesn't want war with Europe.

Just as Brexit was a preview of the 2016 presidential election in America, the 2024 European Parliamentary elections seem to mirror America's political mood this year.

So, what do Americans want?

1. Americans want a return to constitutional governance, law enforcement policies that reflect legitimate respect for the rule of law, and limits to federal power -- particularly the unelected bureaucrats in the three-letter agencies (part of what is referred to as the "Deep State").


2. We want national sovereignty on internal matters -- including public health -- and the elimination of any control globalist organizations like the United Nations or the World Economic Forum seek to impose. That means no absurd treaties ceding control to the World Health Organization for the next "pandemic" cooked up in China, Ukraine or anywhere else.

3. We want an immediate end to illegal immigration and an indefinite hiatus to legal immigration. All the blather about "climate-induced migration" is obfuscation; "open borders" is a fundamentally Marxist policy driven by a deep resentment of what Americans -- including millions of Americans whose families arrived here from someplace else -- have successfully created. (Remember former President Barack Obama's infamous message to entrepreneurs and business owners in America? "You didn't build that.") The Biden administration is actually doubling down on Obama's ideology vis-a-vis immigration; allowing unlimited numbers of the world's poor to enter the United States and handing them benefits is just wealth redistribution writ large.

Americans see it, and they are fed up. America's veterans, our elderly, our homeless, our own poor and those suffering with addiction and mental illness go without, while this administration hands billions of taxpayer dollars to foreigners who pour across the border. How serious are Americans on this issue? Poll after poll shows that immigration -- not abortion or climate change -- is the no. 1 issue for Americans going into the 2024 elections. And a recent CBS poll showed that 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants.

4. Americans want policies that punish criminals and protect the innocent. While the Justice Department has been investigating Catholics who attend the Latin Mass, incarcerating J6 protesters without due process and sending 75-year-old grannies praying outside abortion clinics to prison, violent criminals (including the ones pouring across the border) are allowed back out on the streets, often without bail.

5. Americans also want an end to the "climate change" power grabs, including the elimination of federal and state regulations mandating electric vehicles and banning gas-powered appliances; avoidance of the failed agricultural policies being imposed in Europe (and that destroyed the agricultural production of Sri Lanka); and control over our own energy production and consumption. Like Europeans, Americans want a clean environment but refuse to believe we must destroy our economy, starve to death or hand control over every aspect of our lives to a bunch of aspiring dictators to get it.

None of these demands are "far right" or unreasonable. What's shocking is that ordinary people are having to fight their own governments to reestablish rights and standards of living that were once considered cornerstones of Western civilization.

The 2024 elections are just the beginning. Authoritarians who have managed to entrench their control over the United States and countries in Europe need to be defeated once and for all, and the ideologies motivating them ripped out of our politics and our educational systems root and branch.


To find out more about Laura Hollis and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at


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