From the Right
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
Get ready to be bombarded with ghoulish paid ads and Democratic politicians warning about grandmothers dying, children denied needed cancer treatments, and pregnant women suffering. The demagoguery is in full swing against Republicans' efforts to control federal spending on Medicaid and stabilize the nation's debt.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ...Read more
Cuomo -- Too Corrupt for New York City
How good are voters' memories? The outcome of the New York City mayoral election may hinge on how much they remember of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo's corruption-filled past.
Cuomo is hoping to rewrite his own history and run for mayor. He got a boost Monday when a key Democrat, Rep. Ritchie Torres, called on Cuomo to join the race. "The city is ...Read more
States Are Green-Lighting Migrant Crime -- Trump Fights Back
New York is already getting sued by the Trump administration for prioritizing illegal aliens over the safety of Americans. Get ready for New York City to be slammed with similar suits.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul blusters that the legal action is a "worthless, publicity-driven lawsuit" that will "be a total failure." Hochul insists "New York ...Read more
Birthright Citizenship Excluded Illegals From Day One
Get ready for a Supreme Court showdown over President Donald Trump's challenge to birthright citizenship -- the idea that all children born in the United States have the same rights, regardless of where their parents came from. Despite what many pundits and even lower court judges are saying, this is not a slam dunk for the president's ...Read more
Government Conceals Which Airports Are Most at Risk
Federal investigators have recovered the black boxes from the passenger jet that crashed into the Potomac River last week. These boxes -- actually orange in color to improve the likelihood they can be found in wreckage -- will help get to the truth behind the worst U.S. aviation disaster since 2001.
But federal officials are hiding the truth ...Read more
The Shame of Failing Schools
The Left would rather cage poor kids in failing schools than give them a better choice.
New York spends a whopping $36,293 per public school student -- highest in the nation -- yet for all that money, student scores are "middle-of-the-pack" on national tests for math, reading and science, according to a new report from the Citizens Budget ...Read more
Trump Battles Globalism in Public Health
Good riddance to the World Health Organization -- more aptly called the Woke Health Oligarchy.
On his first day, President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from WHO, a necessary step in putting the health of Americans first. Immediately the left-wing media sounded the alarm, quoting globalist-minded scientists at American universities and think...Read more
LA's Devastating Lesson for Blue Cities Everywhere
New Yorkers, Chicagoans, Denverites and other blue-city residents should feel scared as they watch Los Angeles neighborhoods obliterated by fire. These other cities could be next, victims of the same dysfunctional one-party government that puts woke priorities ahead of disaster prevention and readiness.
It doesn't have to be a fire. Imagine ...Read more
Americans Are Dying Too Young -- US Health Policy Needs a Shakeup
The American public is being sold a bill of goods that enrolling everyone in government-approved health insurance -- primarily managed care -- will improve the nation's health and close the troubling disparities between the health of Black and white Americans. Former President Barack Obama made insurance coverage the signature issue of the ...Read more
Who's to Blame for Your Lousy Insurance Coverage?
Everyone's blaming health insurance company greed for the soaring claims denials and roadblocks to care. That's naive. Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians.
In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. But under ACA ...Read more