From the Left



Bile and Vile: In a Word, Trump's Campaign Is About Hate

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

On Jan. 19, 1989, Ronald Reagan devoted his last speech as president of the United States to reminding Americans that our country owes its success to immigrants. "It's the great life force of each generation of new Americans that guarantees that America's triumph shall continue unsurpassed into the next century and beyond," Reagan said. "This, I...Read more

Told-You-So Time: Iranian Inanity Comes Home to Roost

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

In June 2006, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., was asked in Boston what the Democrats' plan was for dealing with Iran, designated even then by our State Department as the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism and well on its way to acquiring nuclear weapons. "I don't know," Durbin replied. "With any luck Israel will do something about it, ...Read more

End Game: The Carnival Barker Loses His Marbles

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Donald Trump's surrogates faced something of a challenge in the aftermath of last week's presidential debate, obliged to insist that things had gone well for him, all evidence to the contrary. And there was plenty of contrary evidence provided by the former president's responses to questions posed by the moderators, as Kamala Harris displayed ...Read more

Sinwar's Helpers: Foolish Pols and Useful Fools Give Hamas Reason to Smile

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Last week, the German newspaper Bild broke a story that was too unsurprising to be much of one. According to Bild, a document seized from a computer used by Hamas strongman Yahya Sinwar summarized Sinwar's strategy for pressuring Israel into a ceasefire deal that would enable Hamas to promptly prepare for the next iteration of Oct. 7.

The ...Read more

Dirty Little Secrets: Lips Sealed on Academia's Qatar Connection

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Last week ended with a split screen featuring savagery on one side and shame on the other. We woke Sunday with news that hours earlier Hamas had taken six hostages they were holding in the tunnels beneath Rafah, each emaciated after 11 months in captivity, and shot them in the head multiple times, all the while BS-ing a gullible world that they ...Read more

Great White Flail: Trump's Lounge Act Looks Increasingly Washed Up

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

If Donald Trump was going to get rid of the "weird" label that Democrats had effectively pasted on him in the days leading up to the Democratic National Convention, the endorsement from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that Trump procured by promising Kennedy a job if he won did not advance the mission. Kennedy, who claims that worms invaded his brain, ...Read more

Tower of Babble: It's a Lot Worse Than 'Weird'

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

On the bright side, the Trump era has doubtless reinforced the age-old nostrum that in America, absolutely anyone can be president. Shallow, unread and uninterested, fundamentally infantile and deeply narcissistic, Donald Trump's enduring lesson to America is this: just say anything.

And say anything Mr. Trump has. The Carnival Barker-in-...Read more

Too Close for Comfort: The Pro-Hamas Crowd Dislikes the KKK Comparison

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Families paying $100,000 a year to send their kid to Columbia University shouldn't think they're not getting their money's worth. Extracurricular activities aren't limited to Ultimate Frisbee and the fencing club, because there's ever so much more to choose from. There's the student group known as Columbia University Apartheid Divest, one of ...Read more

Batting Order: First Defeat Trump, Then Begin Our National Reconciliation

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

"When you come to a fork in the road," legendary political scientist Yogi Berra famously observed, "take it." There is no mistaking that this November's presidential election will mark as consequential a fork in the road as America has confronted since the election of 1860, and we will have no choice but to take it.

Practically speaking, the ...Read more

Difference-Maker: The Man Who Lifted a City

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Some years ago, John Connors Jr. was touring an inner-city Boston school that he had helped fund out of his own pocket. Connors was long legendary for his relentless, titanic philanthropy, always on 24/7 alert for ways to do as much good in as many ways for as many people as possible.

He'd created a major summer camp for underprivileged kids,...Read more

Elephants in the Room: Trump's New Sycophants Were Right the First Time

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Since the stomach-turning assassination attempt against Donald Trump, some have wondered whether it is required to shade the truth about him in light of that awful event.

It isn't.

The obvious truth about the former president remains what it was before. And the phrase that best describes telling the truth about him isn't "Trump Derangement ...Read more

Days of Memory: A Journalist's Quest to Document Evil and Courage

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

The eruption and metastasis of antisemitism emanating from both far left and far right has prompted some to point to the poor and worsening state of Americans' knowledge about the 20th century's genocide against the Jews. The ignorance, particularly woeful among younger Americans, is widespread.

A Pew survey found that fewer than one-half of ...Read more

Trump's Court Crowns a Crooked King

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

In a time visited by one painful irony after another, it was yet one more irony that the Supreme Court decision handing Donald Trump carte blanche to commit whatever crimes he chooses if he returns to the presidency was issued on July 1, as Americans prepared to mark their independence from the British monarchy. The court's ruling that Trump was...Read more


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