From the Left



The Last Good Republican

: Jamie Stiehm on

Finding the last good Republican president was not hard in light of the moving 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion on the beaches and by the cliffs of Normandy, France.

In military annals, the Allies storming Nazi-occupied France on June 6, 1944, went down as the most extraordinary land, air and seaborne invasion ever.

American, British and Canadian forces -- more than 150,000 -- stole ashore before the morning light and caught German generals by surprise.

Yet the Supreme Allied Commander caught my attention just as sharply. His name: Dwight D. Eisenhower, born a Kansas farm boy. On the eve of the invasion, he moved among the American soldiers and sailors, asking where they came from.

They had the "light of battle" in their eyes, said Eisenhower, recalling Shakespeare's King Henry V visiting his men's camp (in disguise) before leading the charge against Agincourt -- in France.

This is the crux of his character: That night, Eisenhower wrote a note to history. If his audacious plan for D-Day should fail in high seas or lashing rain, the fault is "mine alone."


The successful landing turned the tide of World War II.

Consider the West Pointer elected president in 1952 versus the trash-talking convicted felon of 2024 who owns none of his misdeeds.

The contrast could not be clearer as one asks, what happened to you people in the Republican Party?

That is the question. The American people deserve and demand an answer.


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