From the Left



A Grave Moment in History

: Jamie Stiehm on

The Jan. 6 mob attack on the Capitol was the worst day of my life. I was inside the besieged building, and there was no telling how it would end.

Jan. 6 was the best day of former President Donald Trump's life.

The man enjoyed every moment of the storming violence done in his name. He incited the throng of 30,000, directing them to the Capitol while Congress was captive inside. They marauded and vandalized the precious temple of democracy for three hours.

None of that happened by chance. The first-ever assault on our peaceful transfer of power was carefully planned. Trump could not accept that he lost the 2020 election and tried to steal it with a raging, ragtag band from all corners of the country.

Now comes another momentous turning point in history. A Manhattan jury found it's not the first time he tried to rob the people's verdict on the presidency.

Trump was convicted of interfering with the 2016 election, too, cheating the American people with a sordid, secret payoff scheme. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and if not for Trump's ploy, she might be president today.


That is tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.

Trump refuses to show remorse as a convicted felon in a fair-and-square court of law.

Pushing 78, he's gotten away with treating people poorly all his life, in politics, business and social transactions. Women are known to be victims of his violations. His "social media" descended to vulgar lows never voiced by a president.

Trump never thought his naked malice and avarice would catch up to him.


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