From the Left



Is Donald Trump Putin's 'puppet'? When the Shoe Fits....

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

Donald Trump's big PeeWee Herman moment came during a clash in his final debate with his opponent Hillary Clinton over Russia.

The moment came during a question about one of her speeches released by WikiLeaks. Trump said Russian leader Vladimir Putin has no respect for Clinton.

"That's because he'd rather have a puppet as president," Clinton replied sharply.

Trump, after taking a moment to comprehend what he had just been served, fired back with all the sophistication of PeeWee the former kiddy show star:

"No puppet," he said, trying to talk over her. "No puppet. You're the puppet. No, you're the puppet."

It was a classic Trump move. When you're backed into a corner with virtually zero knowledge of what you're talking about, accuse your opponent of whatever happens to be their worst charge against you.

But back in the real world, suspicions about Trump's relationship with Putin took on a new urgency in the final days of their presidential bids. Clinton suddenly found herself ahead in the polls but slipping, reportedly because of a strange alliance: FBI agents, WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Russian hackers and "the highest levels" of Russian intelligence.

All, according to various reports, were ganging up on the former secretary of state in service of ... what? That's the big question.

We know that the FBI is divided internally. FBI Director James Comey, according to various reports, has been taking heat internally for deciding in July not to prosecute Clinton for what he called her "extremely careless" handling of emails that included some classified information.

We also know that former KGB operative Putin has had a burr under his saddle for Clinton since at least 2011 when he accused her of inciting street protests that erupted against him over charges of -- Guess what? -- election fraud.

We know Assange has it in for Clinton because he thinks she's too pro-war.

And we know that Trump sounds so cozy with Putin whenever the Russian autocrat's name comes up that they should invite each other over for sleepovers.

Remember how little Trump could contain his glee when Putin reportedly described the Manhattan developer and reality-TV star as "brilliant?" Russian language experts later said the word Putin used is more often translated as "colorful" or "flashy." But Trump, as is his fashion, filtered out everything but the "brilliant" part.


Instead of disavowing Russia as Clinton said that he should during their debate, Trump responded with what I call the Beach Boys Doctrine, harking back to their 1960s hit, "Wouldn't It Be Nice?"

"Wouldn't it be nice," Trump has said on the campaign trail and with similar words in this debate, "if Russia and the United States got along and knocked the hell out of ISIS?" Maybe, except that Putin has proved himself to be a deceitful partner, less interested in killing the Islamic State than propping up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's (and Iran's) murderous regime, which has killed more civilians than the Islamic State.

Trump also curiously and routinely has rushed to the defense of Putin, even when the high-confidence judgement of US intelligence found Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and used embarrassing emails to sow internal confusion.

"I don't think anybody knows that it was Russia that broke into the DNC," he said. "It could also be lots of other people." When things go wrong for Democrats, he complained, "they always blame Russia."

Oh? Here's another view: "Rejecting a fact-based intelligence assessment -- not because of compelling contrarian data but because it is inconsistent with a pre-existing worldview -- that's the stuff of ideological authoritarianism, not pragmatic democracy. And it is frightening." So wrote Michael Hayden, former director of the National Security Agency from 1999 to 2005 and of the CIA from 2006 to 2009, in a Washington Post op-ed on Friday headlined "Russia's useful fool."

Other disturbing signs include Trump's declaration in July that as president he would be "looking at" recognizing Crimea as "Russian territory," reversing current U.S. policy toward Putin's illegal incursion.

Trump's comfort with Putin may well be connected to Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort's consulting work for the pro-Russian regime of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine.

Yet, as hazardous as a Trump presidency might be to the health of the international order that the U.S. has helped build and maintain since World War II, the movement that has grown up to put Trump into the White House is undaunted by such niceties. They're mad as hell at the status quo, they tell me repeatedly, and just want to "shake things up."

I understand. But the destruction of our delicate postwar balance of powers is, in my humble view, too big of a price to pay.


(E-mail Clarence Page at




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