


Herika Martinez/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Justin Fox: No, illegal migrants aren't fueling a crime wave

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In March 2020, President Donald Trump’s administration sealed U.S. borders in what was billed as a measure to fight the spread of COVID-19. The estimated number of people illegally crossing the southern border plummeted, and most of those who did cross were immediately returned to Mexico. Soon after, the U.S. erupted in a surge of violence. ...Read more

Liz O. Baylen/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Noah Feldman: Supreme Court upends Purdue Pharma's opioid deal -- and bankruptcy law

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In a surprising twist to America’s ongoing opioid crisis, the Supreme Court has thrown out a legal settlement that would have paid billions of dollars to victims of over-prescription as well as all 50 state governments. Along the way, the court made it much harder than it has ever been before to settle large, complex mass tort cases with a ...Read more


Editorial: Pressuring the press is legal: But don't use government power to compel

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On grounds that the states bringing the case lacked standing, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed the claim that the Biden administration bullied social media companies into removing content that government considered dangerous. It was a sensible ruling — but the court could’ve and should’ve gone further and rejected the complaint on the merits....Read more

DANIEL SLIM/Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: When does government speech violate the 1st Amendment?

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As a dean of a public university law school, do I violate my students’ free speech rights when I encourage them to speak respectfully to one another, to demonstrate civility and to refrain from hateful expression? There are countless instances in which government officials speak out — does that chill freedom of expression among those who ...Read more

Nathan Howard/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: GOP, if you're 'for contraception,' show it

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Opinion editor's note: Editorials represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.


South Dakota's senior senator, John Thune, is one of the most powerful elected leaders at the U.S. Capitol. The tall, plain-spoken Republican is now in his fourth term in office and has held a ...Read more

Sean Hemmersmeier/Las Vegas Review-Journal/TNS

Commentary: Hydrogen is key to fighting climate change, but we must get it right

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Hydrogen is causing a buzz on Capitol Hill and rightly so. This emerging energy technology has the potential to unlock an abundance of clean energy solutions and reduce energy-related emissions — think American heavy industry — by 10% to 25%.

Hydrogen provides the United States an opportunity to strengthen America’s long-term ...Read more


Tyler Cowen: With immigration, perceptions matter more than reality

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Whatever else it may be about, the debate over immigration is first and foremost about perceptions. The question is not just how many foreigners are in your country, but how many you notice.

In the U.S., immigration tends to be popular in urban areas with a lot of immigrants. Partly that’s because the economic benefits of immigrants are easy ...Read more

Win McNamee/Getty Images North America/TNS

Stephen L. Carter: Supreme Court says a $13,000 gift is not a bribe. And that's right

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Suppose your city awards a lucrative contract for the purchase of new garbage trucks. Afterward, the company that won the bidding offers your mayor a gift of $13,000. The mayor never asked for a penny; but he’s offered the money and he takes it. Has the mayor committed a crime?

You might think the answer is obvious, but evidently it isn’t �...Read more

Andrew Harnik/Getty Images North America/TNS

Robin Abcarian: Yes, Biden looked and sounded awful. But the debate didn't change the stark choice we face

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Here's a terrible thought I could not shake as I watched Thursday's debate: President Joe Biden looked like a corpse.

Sure, anyone might look pale while standing next to the floridly orange former President Donald Trump, but Biden's pallor was alarming.

When he was not speaking, Biden's eyes had a faraway look, and, more distressingly, his ...Read more


Editorial: For the sake of the nation, Biden must reassure Americans he is up to a second term

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There is no sugarcoating the fact that President Joe Biden seemed tired, listless and occasionally confused in his televised debate with former President Donald Trump on Thursday. In other words, he showed his age.

Trump, who at 78 is only a few years younger than the 81-year-old Biden, was initially more restrained and focused than usual. He ...Read more

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Editorial: Dems must confront Biden debate debacle

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Opinion editor's note: Editorials represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.


Democrats must directly confront the implications of President Joe Biden's extraordinarily poor performance at Thursday's debate. Many are panicked by the thought that former President Donald...Read more


Martin Schram: The making of an elder statesman

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The memory of when I was first really concerned about your debate night performance remains loud and clear. It was when I heard those helicopters roaring over my house.

It was midmorning on Thursday – Debate Day. I knew from that air-beating roar it had to be your Marine One and its security escorts, taking you from Camp David to the ...Read more

Alex Edelman/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Noah Feldman: Supreme Court shows its hypocrisy in Jan. 6 ruling

Politics / Op Eds /

The conservative majority of the Supreme Court has held that a law that bars obstructing or impeding a federal proceeding doesn’t apply to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — despite the rioters’ effort to obstruct the counting of the 2020 electoral votes. The decision is an outrageous betrayal of the conservatives’ own supposed principle...Read more

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images North America/TNS

Noah Feldman: The Supreme Court just gave itself a lot more power

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The U.S. Supreme Court has overruled the Chevron decision, a basic building block of administrative law, thereby striking a blow against the power and authority of all federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency. The ruling, in the cases of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Department of Commerce, marks ...Read more


LZ Granderson: Debate showed Biden and Trump are terrible, but not equally so

Politics / Op Eds /

Do not look away, America.

This is our own doing.

For four years, poll after poll suggested we did not want to see the matchup that we saw on the presidential debate stage Thursday night. And yet here we are, and now we cannot unsee it: Once again, our country's choices for the presidency are Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and they were as bad as...Read more


Editorial: As America sank into the couch, Joe Biden and Donald Trump combined for a depressing farce. Enough

Politics / Op Eds /

The two gnarly old men had been asked about the ballooning cost of child care, a nightmare for many young parents. In response, they bragged about their amateur golf games.

It was all awful, But if there was any moment that crystallized Thursday night’s presidential debate — showed that this has all gone too far and gave succor to this ...Read more

Lorriane Ali: Biden flops, Trump lies and Democrats face tough decisions on what comes next

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Where were President Joe Biden’s debate-enhancing drugs Thursday night, and more importantly, can his supporters access them now to dull memories of his weak performance during the 90-minute live telecast?

The most-watched television event behind the Super Bowl was bad for Biden, but more than that, it triggered a seismic wave of concern ...Read more

Commentary: How Trump lied about his climate record at the presidential debate

Politics / Op Eds /

Two-thirds of the way through Thursday night’s presidential debate, CNN journalist Dana Bash finally asked the candidates how they would tackle a challenge that scientists say poses an existential threat to human civilization: climate change.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, former President Donald Trump made a series of false claims about his first-...Read more

Nolan Finley: Biden lost more than the debate to a predictable Trump

Politics / Op Eds /

The energetic, focused Joe Biden who showed up at the State of the Union address in March to push back against depictions of him as a doddering old man was not the Joe Biden who walked on to the debate stage in Atlanta Thursday night hoping to again reassure voters he has the acuity and endurance to serve four more years as president.

Instead, ...Read more

Editorial: Why Biden's debate performance could spell election trouble for South Florida Democrats

Politics / Op Eds /

The task for President Joe Biden and Donald Trump at the first presidential debate of 2024 was straightforward: The former had to look in command and mentally apt; the latter “normal” — or less unhinged.

Both failed, but Biden’s failure was more damaging given the stakes. The debate very likely worsened voter concerns about his age and ...Read more



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