


Today's Word "pantheon"

Group of highly esteemed persons on

Published in Vocabulary

pantheon \PAN-thee-on; -uhn\ (noun) - 1 : A temple dedicated to all the gods; especially (capitalized), the building so called at Rome. 2 : The collective gods of a people; as, a goddess of the Greek pantheon. 3 : A public building commemorating and dedicated to the famous dead of a nation. 4 : A group of highly esteemed persons.

"Unfortunately for Sin at the time her mother's pantheon was attacking his, the Chthonians were turning on one another and there had been no one there to protect his pantheon." -- Sherrilyn Kenyon, 'Devil May Cry'


Pantheon comes from Greek pantheion, "temple of all the gods," from pan-, "all" + theos, "god."



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