


Today's Word "pantheon"

A group of highly esteemed persons on

Published in Vocabulary

pantheon \PAN-thee-on; -uhn\ (noun) - 1 : A temple dedicated to all the gods; especially (capitalized), the building so called at Rome. 2 : The collective gods of a people; as, a goddess of the Greek pantheon. 3 : A public building commemorating and dedicated to the famous dead of a nation. 4 : A group of highly esteemed persons.

"Argentina had spawned its own pantheon of civic-minded historical heroes, from General Jose de San Martin, the country's liberator in the independence struggle with Spain, to Domingo Sarmiento, the crusading journalist, educator, and president who had finally wrested Argentina into the modern age as a unified republic." -- Jon Lee Anderson, 'Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life'


Pantheon comes from Greek pantheion, "temple of all the gods," from pan-, "all" + theos, "god."



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