Today's Word "exigency"
Published in Vocabulary
exigency \EK-suh-jun-see; ig-ZIJ-un-see\ (noun) - 1 : The quality or state of requiring immediate aid or action; urgency. 2 : A case demanding immediate action or remedy; a pressing or urgent situation. 3 : That which is demanded or required in a particular situation -- usually used in the plural.
"You came for another purpose, we were speaking of other feelings; it is the hour of exigency you choose for these strange, these startling words." -- Benjamin Disraeli, 'Sybil or The Two Nations'
Exigency comes from Medieval Latin exigentia, from the present participle of Latin exigere, to drive out, to force out, to exact, to demand, from ex-, out of + agere, to drive. The adjective form is exigent.