


Today's Word "countermand"

To order back by a contrary order on

Published in Vocabulary

countermand \KOWN-tuhr-mand; kown-tuhr-MAND\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given. 2 : To recall or order back by a contrary order.

(noun) - 1 : A contrary order. 2 : Revocation of a former order or command.

"He argued that if the Rising went ahead as planned the Volunteers would assume MacNeill's countermand was a Castle hoax and ignore it." -- Morgan Llywelyn, '1916: A Novel of the Irish Rebellion'


Countermand derives from Old French contremander, from contre-, "counter" (from Latin contra) + mander, "to command" (from Latin mandare).



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