


Today's Word "Geronimo"


Published in Vocabulary

Geronimo \jeh-RAH-neh-mo\ (noun) - The name of an Apache rebel, used most often as an interjection of exultation uttered on the brink of a great leap or other courageous or life-threatening act.

"Martin said 'Geronimo!' and signed the papers acquiring a little-known company, hoping it was the right decision."


"Gernimo" is the Spanish form of the name "Jerome," from the Greek, hieronomos "sacred name" (compare hieroglyphics "sacred writing"). It was given to the Chiricahua Apache leader, Goyathlay "The one who yawns" (1829-1909) by European settlers. Goyathlay led a series of raids against Mexican and American settlements in the Southwest in protest of US policy to force Native Americans into reservations. Geronimo's name was adopted at the paratrooper school of the 82nd Airborne Division (Fort Bragg, North Carolina) around 1940, probably in response to a scene in a movie depicting the Apache leader making a daring leap to escape pursuit of the US cavalry.



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