Science & Technology



Jim Rossman: Following up on reinstalling apps


Published in Science & Technology News

Let’s follow up with a reader about my recent column on troubleshooting apps on your phone.

I took everyone through the troubleshooting steps, eventually ending up uninstalling the app and downloading it again from the app store for a fresh installation.

Today a reader asks, “Your column today was helpful as it showed the steps in diagnosing the problem. I know I will be using that process in the future, but it brings up for me a common question.

"If I get to the point of having to delete and reinstall the app, (iPad/iPhone) I delete the app and then go to the App Store. When I request a download of the app, I get an icon that appears to show that the reload is coming from a cloud. Does that mean it is coming from iCloud? Does that mean that I am getting the most up-to-date version of the app? Never have understood this.”

This is a great question, and one I should have anticipated.

Once you uninstall an app, you go to the app store and search for it, but instead of a small button labeled “Get” you’ll see a small icon of a cloud with an arrow pointing downward.

I can see where this would cause some people to think they are getting the app from iCloud, but what it really means is you’ve already purchased/downloaded that app and you’re entitled to download it again. It is simply a different icon to show that you’ve downloaded it before.

You are not getting it from an iCloud backup, you’ll be getting a fresh copy from the App store.


The fresh copy will also be the latest version, even if you never updated the app while it was on your phone.

I will give you a warning, because this happened to me.

Apps might not be in the app store forever. If a company stops offering the app, and it is no longer compatible with the current operating system, apps can go away, even if you paid for them.

I used to play the EA Sports Tiger Woods golf game on my iPad. It was a game I purchased and enjoyed for years.

One day after I decided to wipe and reinstall the operating system on my iPad, I went to the app store to get new copies of my apps, and I discovered EA Sports had pulled the Tiger Woods game and I could no longer install or play it.

I’m still miffed about losing the game, but there isn’t anything I can do about it.

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