Science & Technology



Extreme heat can be dangerous for runners, cyclists and anyone spending time outdoors: 6 tips for staying safe

Susan Yeargin, University of South Carolina, The Conversation on

Published in Science & Technology News

That doesn’t mean you’re ready for even higher temperatures or extreme heat, though. Even if you’re acclimatized to 80-degree weather, you might not be ready for a 95-degree heat wave. When we get early season heat waves and high humidity, that can reach a level people aren’t adapted to handle yet. And some combinations of heat and humidity are too much for anyone to safely spend much time in.

In older adults, the cardiovascular system isn’t as flexible and powerful as it used to be, so it doesn’t operate as efficiently, and sweating mechanisms decrease. That leaves older adults at greater risk for illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Their thirst mechanism may also not function as well, leaving them more likely to become dehydrated. Some older adults are also less willing or able than younger people to seek out cooling centers.

Children might take a few more days to acclimatize than adults. They’re also more dependent on skin heat loss than sweating, which is why their skin can get red and flushed-looking.

Children are probably better about complaining about feeling too hot or not feeling well, though, so listen to them and help them seek out cooler areas. They might not realize that they can take a break during soccer practice, or that they should come in from the beach.

Be smart about the time of day you’re being active: People love their routines, but you need to get the workout and yard work and other outdoor activities done early in the day or late in the evening. Avoiding the hottest parts of the day is the smartest way to prevent heat illnesses. When outside and the Sun is up, seek places with shade.

Have good hydration habits: Don’t ignore thirst – it’s your body telling you something. Hydration keeps your plasma volume higher to help your heart work less and decreases your overall risk for heat illnesses. Your brain and muscles are also composed of water, so if your body senses that you don’t have enough water, it will start to sacrifice other things, including how much you’re sweating.

Listen to your body: When you do need to be outside to work or play, your body will give you cues regarding how it’s handling the heat. If you don’t feel well, feel hot or can’t seem to push harder, your body is telling you to slow down, add extra breaks or get out of the situation.


Make smart clothing choices: Wear light-colored clothing, which absorbs less heat than dark clothes. Short-sleeved shirts and shorts can also avoid helping heat build up or impairing sweat evaporation.

Remember that helmets and sports equipment hold in heat: Construction workers often have to wear hard hats, but athletes don’t always need to practice with shoulder pads and helmets, especially in high heat. To help workers, there is a push for companies to follow health safety guidelines, such as providing cooling stations and hydration breaks.

Get a good night’s sleep: Heat exposure one day can affect your risk the following day. If you can sleep in air conditioning and get a good night’s sleep, that may help decrease the risk of heat illness.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization bringing you facts and trustworthy analysis to help you make sense of our complex world. It was written by: Susan Yeargin, University of South Carolina

Read more:
How to keep high school athletes safe from heat illness in a brutally hot summer

Heat waves can be deadly for older adults: An aging global population and rising temperatures mean millions are at risk

Is Earth really getting too hot for people to survive? A scientist explains extreme heat and the role of climate change

Susan Yeargin is affiliated with the Korey Stringer Institute as a volunteer on their Medical and Science Advisory Board.


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