


Other Notable Events for June 6


Published in History & Quotes

On this date in history:

In 1844, the Young Men's Christian Association -- YMCA -- was founded in London.

In 1872, feminist Susan B. Anthony was fined for voting in an election in Rochester, N.Y. She refused to pay the fine and a judge allowed her to go free.

In 1933, the first drive-in movie theater opened -- in Camden, N.J.

In 1944, hundreds of thousands of Allied troops began crossing the English Channel in the D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. It was the largest invasion in history.

Picture Essay: A 'Band of Brothers' takes part in the Allied invasion of Normandy

In 1966, James Meredith, who in 1962 became the first African-American to attend the University of Mississippi, was shot by a sniper during a civil rights March Against Fear walk in the South. Meredith was hospitalized and recovered from his wounds, later rejoining the long march, which he had originated.

In 1968, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Democratic presidential candidate and former U.S. attorney general, died the day after he was struck by an assassin's bullets in California. He was 42.

In 1972, a coal mine explosion in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), trapped 464 miners underground. More than 425 people died.

In 1982, thousands of Israeli forces pushed deep into Lebanon in an effort to defeat Palestinian guerrillas sheltering in southern border region and near the capital of Beirut. Syria said its forces joined the fighting in a major escalation of the conflict..

In 2007, the remains of thousands of Jews killed by Nazis during World War II were unearthed from a mass grave found by workers digging pipelines in Ukraine.

In 2009, a fire that inspectors said began in a tire store next door destroyed a child-care center in Hermosillo, Mexico, killing 35 children ages 1-5 and injuring about 100 others.

In 2012, a U.N. report said if current patterns of production and consumption of natural resources are not reversed the world will face unprecedented levels of damage and degradation.

In 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, said they were separating after three decades of marriage. In April 2014, the Kremlin said they had divorced.

In 2014, world leaders at D-Day 70th anniversary ceremonies in France included U.S. President Barack Obama, who told aging World War II veterans at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial above Omaha Beach: Gentlemen, we are truly humbled by your presence today.


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