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Baked Spinach Artichoke Dip

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

Who Invented St. Patrick’s Day?

I always knew I was of Irish descent, but I never really knew HOW Irish I was until I got my 23 n Me results back.

Right there in the early results it tells me I’m 92.6 percent Irish.

That’s a lot of Irish if you ask me. I’ve always been proud of being Irish. That report made me extra-proud...

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Famous Burger Meatloaf

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

7 Reasons to Diet with a Buddy

When you’re on a diet, having a strong weight loss support system can mean the difference between success and failure. We have a major league support team at Plan Z, but if you can add a personal support network to that and buddy up with a partner, the benefits are even greater.

A weight loss buddy (or ...Read more

Buttered Mushrooms

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

Enjoy this previously published Zola recipe and column...

Pop Quiz: If you put a lump of margarine by an ant hole, the ants will:

A) Ignore it.
B) Bury it.
C) Close up shop and move away.

Answer: B or C.

Ants know the difference between butter and margarine. Do you? Our friends at the Pure Body Institute are here to tell ...Read more

Cognac Truffles

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

The Only Chocolate You Should Eat

Many diet gurus will tell you that chocolate is high in fat and calories and to stay away. But there’s more to it than that. I’m here to tell you that when you are finished dieting, chocolate can be part of your eating plan on a fairly regular basis.

As president and “Chief Dieter” of Plan Z, I ...Read more

Creamy Dreamy Lemon Bars

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

How to Zolafy a Dessert

I’m one of those lucky people who can read a recipe and taste it in my head. I hope you are one too, but if you’re not, with a few guiding steps you can learn how to do it.

When you look on the internet (the world’s largest cookbook) these days, you’ll figure out there are duplications of recipes ...Read more

Chicken and Green Chiles Casserole

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

It’s that time of year. You go to your doctor for the annual physical. The nurse has weighed you on the way in. Now you’re sitting on the exam table in the horrible paper gown waiting for the doctor to appear.

The doc walks in the door and declares that you're officially obese. Your Body Mass Index (BMI) has been calculated and it’s over ...Read more

Veggie Stir Fry

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

As a youngster, I attended a Catholic grade school. In those days we gathered for morning Mass every day. When I was in second grade I was allowed to receive Communion, but that meant I had to fast for 3 hours in advance. So no breakfast at home for me before I hopped on the bus. Instead, I took my breakfast to school with me. Just like ...Read more

My Best Ever Stuffed Mushrooms

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

Why NOT To Renew Your Gym Membership This Year

1. Exercise really doesn’t help you lose weight; unless you do a LOT of it.

You almost have to be a professional loser. One study showed that women over 40 years old who do moderate exercise 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week, will maintain their weight but they won’t lose weight.

2. ...Read more

Plan Z Fudge Cake

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

Hints for Traveling on a Diet

One of my husband’s favorite sayings is “Don’t fuel your body where you fuel your car.” Remember how you used to run in and grab a packet of those peanut butter crackers and a Diet Coke? Maybe you even added a bag of licorice strands?

Well, if you want to maintain your weight, I suggest you not do ...Read more

Dark Chocolate Peanut Clusters

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

P Is for Party

I was reading a design magazine recently and saw a party planning feature. The woman was talking about how you don’t need to know how to cook (even a lick), but you can still have a cocktail party.

She said all you need are the 3 Ps.

Parmesan, potato chips and prosecco.

That’s it.

Her idea was that you go out and ...Read more

Chocolate Cupcakes

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

When I was little, I attended a Catholic grade school. I learned about St. Nicholas Day from the nuns. I brought my new-found knowledge home to my mom and she went right along with it.

I was really into gifts (still am), so when the nuns told me you were supposed to put your shoes by the front door and gifts would appear the next morning, I was...Read more

Lemon Pepper Cream Gravy

Recipes / Recipes by Zola /

Hints for Eating Mashed Potatoes on Holidays

When my husband and I are invited to Thanksgiving dinner he insists I bring mashed potatoes. He has to make sure there will be at least one bowl of mashed potatoes on the buffet. Borderline rude. I know, but he insists.

I want to give you low carb hints for eating mashed potatoes.

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