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My Pet World: What could cause an eight-year-old dog to stop using the stairs?

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Cathy,

I have a 30-pound, eight-year-old mutt. He can walk up and down the stairs to the second floor with no problem. In my bedroom, we have a little dog step so he can get up on the bed, which he's used for years. About three weeks ago, he stopped using the steps to go up. I now have to lift him onto the bed. What could have caused this?

— Paul, Merrick, New York

Dear Paul,

If you are unaware of any injuries, it may be pain from arthritis. Over-the-counter supplements with glucosamine and omega 3 are available in different strength levels. If you don’t think the supplements are helping, schedule a trip to the vet to discuss stronger medication.

Dear Cathy,

You had a recent column about whether dogs are psychic. In 1976, I was coming home from Navy boot camp having been gone for 67 days. My two dogs lay by the front door three days before I got home. My mom said they just stared at it until I got home. "It wasn't like we cleaned your room or gave any sign you were coming home; they just knew!" my mom said.

— Dave, Kingman, Arizona

Dear Dave,

I love your story. And it certainly advances Rupert Sheldrake's theory that pets may have psychic abilities. Thank you for sharing.

Dear Cathy,

My son has two male ferrets that are two years old. They are both neutered and in good health. The problem is that they do not use the litter box. They pee and poop all over the floor. We have tried separate litter boxes and the scented litter that is supposed to attract them to relieve themselves in the litter box. Nothing is working. Do you have any suggestions that may help us?

— John, Commack, NY

Dear John,

When ferrets “have to go,” they “have to go” – and can't always get back to their litter box in time. So, having multiple litter boxes around the house can make it easier for them to find a box to go in.

Ferrets are smart, so training also helps. Train them like you would a puppy. After eating, sleeping or playing, pick them up and take them to the litter box in their cage. They may step out of it but pick them up and put them back in the box until they go. When they use the box, give them lots of praise and a treat.


As for the litter box, use pellet litter for ferrets, not clay cat litter. Make sure the litter is not too deep, and use a litter box specially-designed for ferrets, which have low entries. You also can put their poop back into the box to give them the scent of where they need to go. Their litter boxes need to be kept very clean. If you find they don't like to use the corner boxes they make for ferret cages, buy a wider rectangular litter box so they can get all four paws into the box.

Ferrets also love vanilla extract. Adding a few drops to the litter can help draw them to the box. Do not use more than a few drops, though. You don't want to overwhelm their respiratory system since that can cause health problems. Always use alcohol-free imitation vanilla.

Finally, use an enzymatic cleaner to clean up all the biologicals from where they are having their accidents. You can always put a blanket or food bowl over the areas where they commonly relieve themselves. They generally will not relieve themselves near their food or sleeping areas, so should stop. Once they do, you can remove the food or beds.

Let me know if these tips help.

Dear Cathy,

I just read your November 7 column. You might want to consider something else about the cat who is now spending a lot of time in the basement – mice! He may have seen or heard them scratching or singing in the walls. Apparently, male mice can sing, and cats can hear them singing when humans can't.

— Debbie, Oxnard, California

Dear Debbie,

Male mice sing to attract mates, so certainly their singing or even just their running around behind walks could get the cat’s attention. I assume he hasn't caught anything because they didn't mention any dead mice. But he certainly could hear things in the walls or behind boxes, and loves to go down to the basement to explore those noises.

As far as singing mice, that's quite an unfortunate sound to make if it also attracts cats.




(Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city, and state. You can follow her @cathymrosenthal.)

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