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Diseases Affecting Pets

John Arnold Hammond on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Pets are the animals that are kept by human beings for the purpose of deriving some pleasure from them. They are not used as utility animals but they are kept for companionship. Examples of pets include dogs, rabbits, cats, birds, horses and rodents. Despite the many benefits they have, pets are always affected by many diseases.

To start with, most rabbit pets are affected by hairballs. This is a condition that develops as a result of swallowing food that contains grooming passes. As time goes by the hair develops in the stomach into a solid mass. Later the hairball increases in size and makes the rabbit to become reluctant to eating food.

Rabbits are also prone to heat stoke. This is a condition that is brought about by heavy weight and when the temperatures are too high. The cure for this is either spraying or you cool the body with water.

Fungal diseases are also common among rabbits. In most cases the diseases affect young rabbits causing them to lose a lot of hair. These diseases can also be transmitted to human beings.

Birds are also affected by many diseases. This includes the feather cysts. This disease makes the feathers to have a number of swellings on the feather follicles. Feather picking is also a common disease among the birds and it involves feathers falling from the body of the birds. Birds are also affected by bumble foot. This makes them to start swelling their feet.

Pox virus is another disease that is known to affect birds. It makes the bird to loose the feathers when it affects the skin. If the infection is in the throat then most birds will start to produce foam at the mouth.


Over the recent years dogs have been known to be affected by canine flu. The most common type of sign that is common with this disease is prolonged coughing that takes a period of one month. In most severe cases dogs experience high fever and a very high rate of breathing.

Addison's disease is also another disease that affects pets. This involves abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands. This makes the kidney not to function properly. Due to the abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands it is not possible for the pet to produce the corticosteroids, a substance that is sued to metabolize sugar and fat.

Older pets are also susceptible to be affected by many obesity diseases. This is one of the greatest factors that are contributing to the onset of many diseases. These diseases include the diabetes mellitus that makes them to depend entirely on insulin. As a result of obesity it becomes difficult for the pets to have an active life of enjoying the various activities of the day. Dental diseases are also common. This is as a result of many bacteria that get into their bloodstream for a long period of time. The old pets can also be attacked by arthritis. This is due to the fact that the joints have deteriorated. This can be treated with prescription of drugs and encouraging physical exercise daily.


John Hammond has many hobbies and interests. As well being a keen blogger and article writer for many sites, he has also recently created a site focusing on Stainless Steel Kettles. The site is constantly being updated and has articles such as Stainless Steel Tea Kettle to read.



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