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Types of Dog Crates

Roy Dickinson on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

There is a wide variety of types of crates you could buy for your dog. Here we give you an outline of the main types you will be able to find online or in your local pet store.

1. Solid Plastic Crates - Solid plastic crates are very strong and remarkably sturdy, this means that you dog will be kept safe whilst you are travelling either by car or plane. The actual crate must be approved by the airline if you wish to transport your dog by plane. Plastic crates are very easy to keep clean. One of the drawbacks of solid crates, however, is they are not foldable, so when they are not in use they can take up a lot of space.

2. Aluminum Crates - This type of crate can be foldable or fixed. Aluminum crates, being so strong, do make fantastic dog enclosures. Aluminum crate do not rust, useful aspect if you are out and about in all weathers with your dog. Your dog will find he gets plenty of air flowing through the crate as it is well ventilated. He will also have a good view of what is happening outside the crate. Aluminum crates are often used in by veterinarians, giving a safe and secure environment for your dog on their visits. These crates, as all crates, can be used as a permanent "den" for your dog at whilst in your home. Dog breeders find that this type of crate provides excellent facilities for their dogs.

3. Dog Tents - Somewhat similar to soft crates, dog tents are light and fold up to take very little space so they are very easy to transport. Dog tents are not really suitable for puppies or dogs that are not house trained. They are not recommended as a safe means for transporting your dog when travelling in your car, they don't give the safe structure you really need in case of a car crash.

4. Soft Crate - Again these are very lightweight and can be folded up quite easily. Soft crates allow your dog to feel a great sense of security whilst still giving your dog good airflow and visibility. Soft crates are not really suitable, and therefore not recommended, if your dog has a tendency to chew or dig.


5. Wire Crates - Wire crates made of strong wire mesh, most useful when they are foldable and take up little space when not in use. Wire crates are also great for carrying your dog while travelling. The wire crates are a lot heavier when compared to the other types of crates but this a great asset when transporting your dog in the car. Good airflow, as the crate is generally open on all sides and great visibility for you and your dog. Again wire crates are widely used in by breeders and veterinary practices. You will see wire crates much in evidence if you visit any dog show this is because they give spectators such a good view of all the different dogs. You can improve the comfort and safety of wire crates by adding pads and covers.


Roy Dickinson of, is a dog trainer of many years as well a writer. He'll help you find those little tips and tricks to make your dog training easier. You'll find many of these tips and other information on his website Dog Crate Master



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