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Avoid the Pet Care Scandal - Stop Needless Vet Costs

Kathy Teddleton on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

With all the talk about health care reform there is more to this mess to consider. You too can avoid the pet care scandal, stop needless vet cost and reduce the stress on your pet.

Ask yourself this question, is my pets vet creating services and or charges for my pet that just aren't needed and taking treats out of the mouth of my pet all to generate more cash flow?

Imagine what it would be like to stop paying full price for medications your pet doesn't really need or for issues you can remedy yourself in the comfort and safety of your own home.

You're obviously intelligent enough to realize that you spend a lot of time, money and stress on vet visits, and for what, to ease the guilt trip placed on you by others.

Just picture you and your pet enjoying all the comforts of home and better health without overpriced cost. How do you make this happen?

Spot Unnecessary Cost

• Is your pet an indoor pet? This alone prevents multiple vet visits?
• Is your pet eating a healthy nutritious diet? This too eliminates visits.
• Does your pet get daily exercise? Again eliminating visits.
• Is your pet happy, loved and well adjusted? Furthering less need for vet care.


Really think about this for a moment! Nobody will care more about your pet than you do. You don't want your pet to go through needless vet visits when it is you they prefer to care for them.

Why Do It Yourself?

• You know and love your pet better than a vet or anyone else for that matter.
• Your pet is comfortable with you and the comfort of home.
• Keeping you pet at home for easy and routine care is nurturing and builds trust.
• Taking your pet to the vet can cause your pet unnecessary stress.
• Plus you will save thousands of dollars.

Ask yourself; is the vet really to blame if you don't question these procedures and or expenses? Don't be fooled by added request for vet visits, check into your pets care and needs yourself.


Are you making any of these mistakes which will prevent you from providing your pet with the best life has to offer them? I hate to admit it but I made all of these mistakes and then some myself! Find out what they are and how to avoid them by visiting Avoid Pet Care Scandal right now before you make one more mistake and create undo stress for you and your pet!



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