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The Goodwill Kitty - Why Keeping an Eye on Your Pet Matters

Marina Hanes on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Whenever you move furniture or place something new in your room, what do your cats do? If they're as curious as mine, they always have to check it out. If I'm packing my suitcase or reorganizing my closet, they make themselves a temporary bed. Even if you're aware that your cats enjoy getting into things, you should still remember to double check your belongings before sending them out. The story of the Goodwill kitty is a good reminder to all of us pet owners.

An Ohio Goodwill store got more than what they bargained for a few weeks ago. Apparently, a gray-and-black striped kitten was a stowaway on a donated sofa. The only way that the Goodwill employees found the cat was because of its mewing. Could you imagine donating your kitten to Goodwill by accident? Fortunately, they were able to reach the donor, and she requested that the shop let a customer adopt the kitten.

I'm sure this is just one of many stories out there. Not too long ago, a cat was in the news for being in its owner's luggage. The luggage ended up in the hands of another person, but they were able to get the cat back to its owner. How cat's survive these mix ups is beyond me, because when you move furniture or even luggage under a plane, there is so much jostling going on. Plus, how can they breath properly when they're tucked away in clothes or furniture? It boggles my mind, but it's good to know that these cats made it out alive. Curiosity didn't kill the cat these times!


Now you know why it's so important to double and maybe even triple check that your cat is safe inside your home and not being shipped away somewhere.



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