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Ways to Stop Cats Aggressive Behavior

Nick Brydon on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Biting and excessive urination are often the two most common behavior traits that people list about their cats that they do not like. Both of these things are signs of cats aggressive behaviors coming out. It is hard to determine exactly why cats do the things they do, but most researchers can agree that their early experiences weigh heavily on how they behave later in life.

Rough play, scratching, biting and defending their territory are other very common aggressive behaviors that are seen in cats. While it is tough to control or change any or all of these things, some suggestions are discussed in detail throughout the rest of the article.

Teaching cats that biting is not an acceptable behavior requires that the owner take immediate action when the biting occurs. Giving the cat reminders that the biting is not a good thing can help in the training. Also spraying something very bitter on things that the cat is typically biting can discourage them from doing it anymore. When a cat starts to play fight or act aggressive, one of the best ways to deal with it is to distract the cat with a rattle or other noise.

Cats love to play fight and be rough because that is in their nature. They instincts to stalk prey and hunt, and they will often show those behaviors with their owners. Discouraging this type of activity needs to be consistent throughout the family.

Encouraging this behavior with toys or in certain areas of the house can be great techniques to help control this cats aggressive behavior. When using rattles or other noises to distract cats, make sure that the noise is not too loud or startling because that can cause the cats to become very shy and or reserved.


If you have more than one cat at home, you have probably seen some territorial behavior come out in your cats. This behavior can be very aggressive as some cats do not adjust well to sharing their space. They can act aggressively towards other cats that are becoming part of the family, or towards people that are visiting the house. The best way to deal with this behavior is to introduce new cats slowly. Keep them separated for a few days and give them shorter amounts of time together. This way the scents of the new cat can go throughout the house and help the current cat adjust.


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