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Cat Advice - The Reasons Cats Knead

Lonnie Turner on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

We all have seen cats kneading and wonder why they do that. You might have noticed a cat working its paws on soft cushions, mattresses, the bed or even on your lap, many times. Sometimes they do it with their claws in and sometimes they use their claws. I know how it feels when they do that with their claws on your lap. You will not get angry at your cat next time they do it, after why they do it. Instead you will feel happy when they do it in future.

One popular theory is that they do so because they are separated from their mothers at an early age. But all cats knead, even if they have stayed longer with their mothers.

Two reasons for their kneading are:

1. Emotional Security- The first reason goes back to their early age. When they are young they feed on their mother's milk and knead on the sides of her teats to make the milk flow freely. This psychologically attaches kneading to something positive, like happiness. So when they are happy or content they start kneading. You will not find a cat kneading while it is angry or frightened.

2. Marking territory- Cats want to mark their territory .They have special glands in their feet pads under their paws, which produce scent when they knead. Every cat produces a unique scent. Humans are unable to smell it but other cats and animals can. So this is a way cats mark territory and tell other animals that they own that thing or territory on which they are kneading. Cats also leave some physical marks on the objects they knead with their claws to mark it as their own.


So now that you know the reasons why your cat does that weird thing with its paws in your lap, be happy next time it does that because your cat is either happy to be with you or it considers yourself as property.


Lonnie Turner is a professional researcher and webmaster. Not only do Lonnie know pets he just created a website about the Danby Wine Cooler and about the Counter Top Wine Cooler.



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